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About Me

i love......

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Dim Sum lovers.

men in dresses................other owners of Toyota Vans


30 Rock, Sports Night, The O.C., I Love Lucy, Grey's Anatomy, infomercials (Magic Bullet!!), Animaniacs, Adventures of Batman and Robin, Conan, Sex and the City, Arrested Development, Hannah Montana, anytime tennis is on


Las cuentistas: Fuguet, Borges, Cortazar, Quiroga. Middlesex, Dry, A Million Little Pieces -- basically, memoirs by alcoholics. Biographies about robber barrons. Other authors: Jonathan Lethem, Tom Spanbauer, Sidney Sheldon, John McPhee. Elle, Harper's Bazaar, and Teen Vogue -- I swear, don't knock it until you try it.


Tim Hawkinson

David Hockney

Lee Bontecou

Aaron Cometbus

Bjorn Borg