Basketball, Football, Soccer, Running, anything that would make me laugh (Funny Movie, Funny person, midget ranch, girl with 3 nipples, myself, FAMILY GUY!, people walking through a mine field at night while wearing clown shoes, hang-gliding at night on the 4th of July, midget with 3 nipples, midget with 3 nipples lives on a ranch and wears clown shoes, fat guy's in little coats etc.)
You, and all of your lovely lady friends ;-)
Anything but Light 106.9... god I hate Delilah
Anything funny, Will Ferrell is great, Adam Sandler, Chevy Chase etc.
You guessed it... anything funny... I live on Comedy Central and ESPN
Ive got tons of "for dummies" books... Dr. Suess... Cliff's Notes (so I NEVER have to read for school)
People funnier than me... so... I dunno, Will Ferrell, Chris Farley, Adam Sandler, that one guy with the hair