MY BDAY IS JULY 10TH!! profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

CANCERMOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high sex appeal. Great in bed!!! Love is one of a kind. Very romantic. Most caring person you will ever meet! Entirely creative Extremely random and proud of it Freak in bed Spontaneous Great tellin stories Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out if it comes down to it Someone you should hold on to
You Are 76% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. How Evil Are You?
Sis forSultry
His forHip
Ais forArtistic
Nis forNatural
Ais forAdventurous What Does Your Name Mean?
Take the quiz:
What's Your True Name?

You are sweet and gentle.Sarah is ur true name.
You have to check out these sites!

Myspace Layouts at / Pretty

My Interests

I am now a distributor for Slumber Parties. Contact me to have your slumber party now! Get free stuff too!
I like to go dancing all night, take late night swims, long walks on the beach, shopping, parties, tennis, paintball etc.

I'd like to meet:

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Hip Hop and Top 40


I like movies that are so scary they give you nightmares for a week. I also love funny movies. Malibu's Most Wanted is off da hook. Yea yea! ANy movie I can watch with my man.

My Blog

Lets Shop!

Need a Mother's day gift? Spring Fling Sunday, April 20th, 2008 The Galena Volunteer Fire Company 10AM until 4 PM Featuring some local businesses, crafters, and independent consultants from your fav...
Posted by MY BDAY IS JULY 10TH!! on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 09:05:00 PST

My ass is on the cover!

The BTG Calendars are out! Not only am I Miss July but my ass is on the cover!Check it out!
Posted by MY BDAY IS JULY 10TH!! on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 01:36:00 PST

Hot Bikinis

I got the cover of the SUn Up Sun Down swimsuit catalog. Get your free catalog at Sun up Sun Down
Posted by MY BDAY IS JULY 10TH!! on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 11:36:00 PST

Hot ride for sale! (pics)

It is a Black Mitshubishi Eclipse GT V6. It's AUTOMATIC but it has a shifter as well (which has been pretty fun). The mileage is 153,863. I am asking $7,200 or best offer due to the fact I still owe m...
Posted by MY BDAY IS JULY 10TH!! on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 11:27:00 PST

You asked so...

here are my wish lists....I really love this site..Great GlamAmazon Wish ListVictorias Secret Gift certificatesLollipop Lingerie...
Posted by MY BDAY IS JULY 10TH!! on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 05:36:00 PST

Everyone has to do this for their own safety!

Need to share a website with you that is a good idea to visit. It is When you visit this site you can enter your address and a map will pop up with your house as the small icon o...
Posted by MY BDAY IS JULY 10TH!! on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 05:59:00 PST

Slumber Party time!

Alright ladies! It's Slumber Party time. I just became a distributor for I know you are all dying to have you own party so drop me a line and let's have a good time!
Posted by MY BDAY IS JULY 10TH!! on Sat, 20 May 2006 09:55:00 PST