Robin Dymond
Robin Dymond is a guitarist and song writer from Marlborough uk. A former student of the Academy of Music, he is well studied in many different genres such as Jazz, rock and blues music. '.
Influenced by the musical teachings of Guthrie Govan (guitarist of the year 2006) , Shaun Baxter (guitarist of the year 2005), Steve Yates (guitarist of the year 1998), Rob Tribe, James Shipway, Jamie Humphries and Phil Hilborne. Robin provides a wealth of knowledge from great guitar players to his projects. However prior to his intensive studies in music, Robin was a keen historian and he has a ba in classics from Exeter university (graduated 2004).
Prior to his solo projects he played in many bands, the most successfull being Twitchey Ratt. Twitchey Ratt (formed 2007) formed out of the remnants of a Metallica tribute band called Pastor of Muppets (formed 2001) who were relatively successfull on the South West gigging circuit.
Robin has also played with members of Diamond Dogs (2005), Kiss This (2005), Felix(2005/2006), Cover'd (2005)and TribU2te (2006).