About Me
When we first discussed on Boocas a few weeks ago the conundrum of why there aren't more female DJ's making a name for themselves, one of the proffered explanations was that they, um, don't have the balls. Just like promoting, becoming an established DJ is harder than ever before because of the sheer number of people trying to get there. You need to seize every opportunity with both hands and push push push - call it aggression, call it self-promotion, call it what you will, but if you don't keep knocking on doors, then they won't open all by themselves.For that reason, you need to really, really want to make it. There's a long trek between downloading your first choon and becoming an established name, and if it's not what your innermost self wants, sooner or later you'll give up because the obstacles seem insurmountable. In this dog-eat-dog rat race, it kinda seems logical then that males *usually* do pull ahead into the lead.Step forward Natalie Brogan, every wannabe-alpha-male's worst nightmare - head-turning looks coupled with effortless style and people skills par excellence, she'll quite happily lad it up with the lads on a night out (including if she'd just met them) and will still look better than you getting into that taxi home at 6am. Home? We meant afterparty.How she got into DJ'ing is just one of several clues that she can, and will, succeed where many of her gender gave up: her parents had bought her younger brother some 'kiddy decks' (as she called them, even then fully aware of the difference between 1210's and non-1210's), but guess who ended up spending the most time on them, pretending they were playing to their first crowd?
Not long after, her brother was asked to play at a friend's party, but declined due to lack of confidence. Guess who said "I'll do it", loved every second, and then saved up for her own decks?In 2006, a conversation with David Dunne (Hed Kandi) at a Galaxy event led to Natalie enrolling on a DJ course at the Manchester Midi School. The following year, her first official gig in June 2007 led to her current residency at Rude and less than a year on from that the CV also includes Area51 - Manchester's latest state-of-the art club venue where Sandy Rivera, Micky Slim and Jo Mills have guested, and superbrand Kissdafunk come to play on a monthly basis.Upcoming gigs include Relentless at Alter Ego on 2nd May, and Label on 4th May. Area51 surely beckons again, and she mysteriously hinted at other events "which I can't talk about yet, but watch this space!" We're watching.*MENTIONED ON BOOCAS.COM*