About Me

Click Here to vote for Lacey Alexandra at Maverick Illustrated
If y0u d0n't kn0w me ...then d0n't ...judge me... n0b0dy s4id y0u had t00 l0ve me... i understand you girls talk behind my back..but the thing is, im real and thats something You lack. ThiS giRl hEre Is oNe oF a kInd Do i CarE whAt yOu tHinK? -heLL naW- juSt kEep ThaT in MinD u say u not a hoe ...aiight, no doubt... next time ya say that be sure to wipe ya mouth you think im a bitch cuz of what i say im jus being real in everyway i say what i wanna say and i mean what i say No one said you had to like meTryin' to joqq my shyt? nahh didn't think so 'Cuz no matter what you copy, you're still just a silly hoe. To all da haters:You think youre hot,but you know the deal...well its me and you know who be keeping it real!! i KnEw ALoT mORE tHaN u ThOuGHt i DiD FoUnD OuT ALoTtA ThiNgZ u THoUGhT u HiD The More frirnds You Got The more Problems You See Cuz Everyone Thats A Part Of your Life talks shyt when you can..t see iF u GoT sUmThIn tO sAy To Me SaY iT StRaiGhT *CaUsE bEiN aLL sHaDy iS OnE tHiNg i HaTe* ! Look At Me and lOoK at u.! Now tElL me hunny... WhO's JeAlOuS oF wHo? Fukin..b1tch..Ho..oOo No! DoNt DrOp Da NaMeS CuZ YoU you got yourself in a hole TaLkIn BeHiNd My BaK LiKe 'i DoNt No' EvRyTiMe i CoMe ThRu ItS LiKe oOh ShYt shes HeRe Yo! U SwEaR U KnOw Me CuZ Ya HeArD My NaMe BuT iF Ya EvA rEaLLy MeT Me YuD KnOw Da GaMedRaMa NeVa EnDs And HaTers ArE aLL tHe SaMe tHeY sMiLe To Ya FacE aNd sPiT oN yA NaMe *wHiLe aLl yA'lL tAlK bOuT mE...* *I SiT bAcK aNd tHiNk...* *dAmN I gOt mYsElF a fAn cLuB!* BitChez dUnT hAtE Me CuZ U aInT Me3h... *[{ JeL0uSziEe }] * wUt i LiVe OfF oF..sexy little shorty... 100 percent. tryin' to kill my rep ?? nah, you won't make a dent. BiTcHeZ tHrOwIn Shit On My NaME.. DaTs A sHaME.. It AiNt Muh FaUlT iM one of da HoTtEsT bitcH iN dA gAmESpEaK wELL oF uR eNeMiEz ..YoU wErE tHe OnE wHo MaDe ThEm..-Ta aLL you -Do WhAt yOu Do- -..i AiNt GoNnA wAsTe – -mY tImE oN yOu..- Hating on a certain name Only gives them the fame. i drOp shit.. h0es pOp it.. them birdiez fOll0w it... gOt my name in yO mOuth? bitch swallOw itHI!!!I am 19 years old and new to the modeling industry.
I was a competitive gymnast for 10 years.
Currently I am only seeking paid assigments,
unless I have worked with you before or you have something that may benefit my portfolio.
All of the photographers I've worked with so far have been very professional and I've learned a lot.
I will not do any hardcore nude shoots,
so please do not ask.
Also I bring an escort with me to all shoots.
So if you have a no escourt policy I am not interested.
If anyone should want to book me for a shoot please contact me.CHECK OUT MY NEW PICTORIAL AT WWW.PLAYBOYSFRESHFACES.COM

My Blog


Posted by on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 18:57:00 GMT


Posted by on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 19:18:00 GMT