I am one of the nicest people you will ever have the pleasure of meeting.
I'm too stubborn for my own good.
I've worked for everything that I have.
I can pretty much talk to anybody about anything. This comes with years of working one on one with customers.
Another thing that comes with years of working one on one with customers is a general hatred of them. OK, maybe not ALL of them...just the ones that act like complete assholes to you for no given reason besides the fact that they are miserable with their own existance.
I love animals.
I am NOT a morning person.
I'm a great cook.
I am late for everything I do.
Whenever I am thirsty I always fill up an entire glass even though I know damn well I will probably only drink half of it.
I love cheese in any form and on any food.
I have been engaged now for about two years to the best man in the world, Tom. How and why he puts up with me I will never understand.
I actually like going to museums, historical places, zoos and aquariums.
I buy Lucky Charms, eat all the marshmallows and then throw out the rest.
Bad drivers are probably my biggest pet peeve.
I have an over-active imagination that works up bizare scenarios preventing me from doing things that, when I eventually work up the courage, end up being a ton of fun. (ie. rollercosters, flying, horseback riding)
My Yorkie, Rascal, has a very extensive wardrobe. I adore him.
I keep a lot things to myself that would suprise a lot of people.
I'm pretty creative when I apply myself.
I am the biggest procrastinator I have ever met.
I have driven around to every Dunkin Donuts I know, all day, on "Free Iced Coffee Day".
Representing New Jersey to the fullest.
I make pretty random observations.
I have put Depends and a naked firefighters calendar in my grandma's shopping cart without her realizing for a laugh because...
I am VERY easily amused!
Sometimes I just like to sit in a public place and "people watch".
I am a sucker for reality TV shows.
I'm obsessed with candles and Bath & Body Works scents.
My lipgloss is poppin'.
Taco Bell is the best and I don't care what anyone says! E-coli don't scare me.
I loathe doing laundry. It SUCKS ass.
I'm a freak when it comes to spelling and grammar.
I love JELLO and whenever I eat it, I make Tom do a Bill Cosby voice.
I have horrible luck but it doesn't stop me from going to AC or buying scratch off tickets every chance I get.
I'm a swoosh and swirler when I sleep.
Tom doesn't have normal conversations, he speaks movie quotes. I try to be cool and do the same thing in front of his friends except no one ever knows what I'm quoting. I'll say it wrong or quote something only I remember.