m!ke profile picture



About Me

I couldn't walk when I was born. I couldn't even stand. I was an embarrassment. Then I turned things completely around.

My Interests

ernie: the dog, getting b-snack on wikipedia, the difference between goofus and gallant, not enjoying stand up comedy, british people.

I'd like to meet:

jesse camp


the bear, bush 2, hyndenburg, the broadways, the holy mountain, the lawrence arms, that woman who plays the harp, canadians who rock hard.


brink!, the apple, anything steve bushemi has been in except armeggedeon(sp?) perhaps


degrassi, the oc


the much delayed chevy chase pictothesis, the script for the bear movie


people who work at stores who dont approach you unless you talk to them first

My Blog

the end of music

there is nothing more more special than music, but yesterday it was rattled so hard by myself and two other lovely individuals that it may it fact be dead. the song which commited this act is tentati...
Posted by m!ke on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST