"Then He taught, saying to them, 'Is it not written, My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations'?..." Mark 11:17
The Holy Spirit is orchestrating a worldwide movement, bringing His people into lifestyles of wholeheartedness through globally united worship and intercession. Our vision is to build a place where a community of believers embraces this corporate mandate and individuals choose a daily lifestyle based upon the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7, Rev 2-3).
The HOP-Hb Mission Base facilitates all appointed ministries to flow from the context of a 24/7 Prayer Room. The Prayer Room is the place where we intimately encounter God's heart, therefore fulfilling our eternal destiny in Bridal priesthood and partnership (Sos 1:4).
Currently, we are asking the Lord to send musicians, singers, and intercessors to establish 24/7 prayer and worship. The day is soon approaching when the fire on the altar will never go out in Hattiesburg, on earth as it is in heaven! (Rev 5:8)
Visit us at our website: www.hophb.org