I like old stuff; cars, clothes, music, jewelry, stories. I like to be good at what I do. If your gonna do it, do it well. I like pirates and history. I collect useless information. I want to speak a different language. I want to be exotic but I'm way too clumsy.
smart assesIf you want to be my friend, the requirement is to write to me, I'm not a friend whore. I dont just give it away.
Tom Waits!! Misfits, Ray Charles, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, and Hank the III, Tennesee Ernie Ford, AC/DC, The Strokes, Talib Quali, Flogging Molly, Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks, Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Eartha Kitt, I have a creepy soft spot for Soul Coughing, um...Wayne Hancock, Matishayu, Massive Attack, Beatles, Red Elvises......this is a list in progress
Cool Hand Luke, Raging Bull, anything Akira Kurosawa (Throne of Blood is the Best), Mystery Men, Sin City Was pretty cool, Cinderella Man, any Eddie Izzard stand up, anything Cohen Bros; Raising Arizona, O Brother, Fargo... M. Night Shyamalon's movies are great, as are Wes Anderson's, I would love to be in a Cowboy Beebop Movie (if it was ever made into a movie) or Ninja Scroll. that's all for now.
Deadwood, the Unit, Journeyman, Prison Break, Ghost Hunters, Medium because Patricia Arquette his hot!
'The Outsiders', Book of Mormon, David Sedaris is hilarious, 'Geek Love' by Katherine Dunn, 'A Wrinkle in Time', 'Catch 22', i like to talk about books i've read... it makes me feel smart
My Mother, Janet. Tom Waits is my idol.