Well, I guess it's about time I update this thing... I grew up , went to school, and got married in Mississippi. And, not that I don't love "the south", but a year ago I started travel nursing to experience whatever else is out there, which is how we ended up in San Fran. So...here are some basic facts about me..1- I only like red skittles. 2-I hate working out but i secretly wish I didn't because I probably need to. 3-my cat fetches, but my dog doesn't. 4-I can always find something I "NEED" to buy, i.e. i have a shopping problem. 5-i have eaten the same thing for breakfast every day I work for six months. 6-i wish i could be on permanent vacation. 7-i cry every time I see the last episode of "Friends". 8-I suck at all the wii sports except golf, cuz I rock at wii golf! 9-I think everything is better if someone is there to experience it with you, I LOVE YOU STEVIE!
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!