As women, we sacrifice so much of ourselves in order to satisfy the demands of our daily life. However, we never seem to have that one close friend, or person, with sound counsel that we TRUST will NOT "go tell it on the mountain" when we are seeking answers to our problems and concerns: Infidelity, Love, Death, Health and so many more areas in our lives go untalked about because we are afraid of who's listening or what's going to be said about us.
WOMEN ARBOR RESOURCES is a non-profit outreach that desires to provide a safe haven environment for women to discuss and seek counsel on their concerns with relationships, life changes, parenting, marriage, spiritual and economic issues. Wether it be public or private counsel, we encourage ALL women to contact us via message or comment at this forum. This is for the women who are NOT trying to get over, but ARE trying to be successful in ALL areas of their life! This means WORKING to improve one's self! MEN are also welcome to submit concerns regarding women as long as it is done so in good taste.
Additionally, we will provide various resources and encouragement conferences to aid with spiritual and economic growth and development.   Age, race, religious affiliation or sexual orientation does not matter here! However, please note that all spiritual counsel will be biblically based out of King James KJV) bible.
We would love to provide options in working through the kinks in your life by assisting you through providing sound counsel WITHOUT the judgement. Also, please know that none of the counseling received here is forced upon you. It's your choice, your decision, your life: we simply wish to provide biblical insight on options that speak to the storms in your life. If you simply NEED PRAYER, then send a message with your prayer request. We welcome you with love and open arms, JUST AS YOU ARE!
        God Bless!!!