? One, two freddys coming for you. Three, four better lcok your door. Five, six grab your crucifix. Seven, eight gonna stay up late. Nine, ten never sleep again...?
â™ Stephen Kingâ™ , â™ Johnny Cash (R.I.P)â™ ,George A. Romero..usw â™ dich ?!â™ ::
? Johnny Cash,Tiger Army,Horropops,Mad Sin,Nekromantix,Batmobile,Dropkick Murphys,Systm of a down,der dicke Polizist,Flogging Molly,Broilers, Rantanplan,Tool,Seeed0,The Animals,E-Fehler,The Meteors,Psycho Charger,Man..or Astro-Man?,Coffin Nails, Guana Batz,Frantic Flintstones, Thee Flanders,Grave Robber, Bloodsucking Zombies from outer Space,Zombie Ghost Train, Demented are go, Demented Scumcats,Loikaemie,The Astro Zombies, Mad Heads, Koffin Kats,The Creepshow,Meteors, The Cramps,King Kurt, Mad Dog Cole, Mad Marge & The Stonecutters, Adicts,P.O.X, American Werewolves, Schusterjungs,Social Distortion.....so jetz hab ich kein bock mehr weiter aufzuzaehlen, wird eh immer mehr. ?
? Saw I-III,Freitag der 13, Nightmare on Elm Street, Dawn of Dead, Shaun of Dead, Land of the Dead,Rambo I-IV, Resident Evil I-III,Pumpking Head,Tanz der Teufel, Alien I-VI, Predator I-II, AvP I-II, Walk the Line,Vier Brüder, Happy tree Friends, Hills have eyes, Undead,Drunken Boxing, Verflucht usw. halt alles was Horrormäßig is ?
? Simpsons, Family Guy, Southpark, Futurama,Malcom mitndrin,alles in Ordunug,Little Britain, Scrubs und ansonsten nix weiter... ?Astro-zombies LivePhantom Rockers - Leather Zombie (2005)Mad Marge and the Stonecutters [Warped Tour]
? Das Mädchen, Der Schwarm, Dreizehn, J.Cash (Autobio.),Friedhof der Kuscheltiere, usw. ?
? J.Cash ?