music-i play many instruments,am an aspiring MC a stupid online game im addicted to XDScience and SPACE- way too interesting :) when i die i want to be jettisoned into space towards pluto-either as ashes or a corpse (preferably a corpse :D)
the first person to discover fire,just to see his face when the spark went overboard XDchat me up peeps :D
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and now... one for the confused metal fans??
everything from aussie hiphop to classical to heavy metal to folk rock to pop- NO R'N'B- fav bands atm are- hilltop hoods,the herd, 78 saab, dinosaur jr, folk implosion,koolism ....and it goes on and on :)
dont watch many movies,cant sit still long enough :D -besides,im not into regurgitation of storylines- if i wanted same old same old, id watch a soap opera
the dudesons lol, just for their accents :D
words...or pictures? me no readee,me no eyes :D
who needs heroes- be one yourself!