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ADOBEDREAMS Oilspoil..........And now I stand on high alone surveying landscapes blackened bones as stenched wind melonic moans coal venom ebbs awayAnd in its vile receding stain the bloody corpses, frozen pain septic mixes with the rain red puddles now displayAnd now no-one was left to lead to take command, to reign the steed All gone, atoned, in mortal greed now Hell gloats on its payAs tears flood down, my lungs aflame my soul screams silently its shame I feel the need to point this blame so I can turn awayLike poison from infected boil God the chosen, sacred foil Heaven supercedes the oil thats all I have to say BIRDIE


This is one of my daughter Holly


DIMBULBS .... ....


Dance with me, please, come stand in the center of the fire and not be afraid. For there is little time left to play here now, and soon the bell of destiny will ring, and I must you will too. And the music of this world will cease, as it was destined. Yet, as the spoils of greed, the blackness of hate, and the veil of ignorance fades in the light, the dance itself becomes alive, and sings the songs of home, and becomes the here.....the now....... the all that will ever be. Now on my knees, with hands outstretched, with bleeding eyes I plead... Dance with me... Please...... Dance with me...All people that source their lives from their hearts, regardless of that which surrounds them, regardless of tradition, religion, or popular belief, will always be considered my heroes. TALK TO DA HAND Id rather feel pain than nothing at all... SAD EYES.....For Doshia, my friend MY RESPONSE TO IGNORANCE, VANITY, GREED, PREJUDICE, WAR, TAXES, SOCIAL INJUSTICE, POLICE BRUTALITY, CHILD PORN, AND ALL OTHER FORMS OF CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.

My Blog

Ive been tagged!!

Tag, you're it! Here's how you play: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with weird, random, facts, habits or goals about yourself, at the end choose 10 friends to be tagged, list their n...
Posted by scott on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 09:39:00 PST