The grand old men of New York City novelty music (if 15 years of stupidity makes us old), Cab City Combo proves that getting the music produced doesn't mean that anyone will ever listen to it. Well, Dr. Demento did play us a bit, and Jello Biafra said some nice things about us, and Bermuda Schwartz too, but that's it. Many of the novelty radio shows that have played us have gone the way of the dinosaur...and that doesn't mean showing up as a purple felt replica that markets to pre-teens. Okay -- tell the truth, we're pretty cranky nowadays. But for some reason we're still producing novelty music. Granted, the distinction between genuine novelty music and today's alternative bands with witty lyrics comes down to how good we look in leather pants, and how much hair we have left. And in my case, that's 'not too good' and 'hardly any'. Oops, cranky again. Isn't curmudgeonliness wonderful? Now get out of here, you lousy kids!!
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