anime, campfire, camping, coffee, dance, dancing, electronic dance music, frisbee, gardening, goa, grenada, hiking, independent, intj, light, MMPOG, mountains, music, newzealand, outdoors, party, photography, pinball, positive, psytrance, running, sailing, shopping, stars, travel, walking,
Seeking intelligent, intellectual, party-minded ladies who can go all night long, dancing to my beats!
I'm a PsyTrance DJ, so that probably covers that.But really I listen to all types of music, most of it electronic dance in nature but I'm open minded enough to listen to other stuff too.
I recently discovered Daddy Yankee, I can't understand a friggen word they sing but they have some powerfull music!
My fav producers are Void, Tube, Intergalactic, Perplex, Silicon Sound, 1200 Mics, GMS... I could go on...Check out my mixes at
Well, I'm pretty picky here, but mostly I get DVD's and watch anime. Cowboy Bebop, Fist of the North Star & Desert Punk have been some of my favorites of late.
Television SUX!!Except for the Rome, The Tudors, Californication and the Sopranos. I don't like to "pay the man" with my time, time is much to valueable!!
Ya right!!
Bill Budge, Richard Feynman, Howard Jones