WOXEE profile picture


the calendar hung itself

About Me

hi my name is roxy
i am small

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in my opinion nothing is perfect other than green tea
i love this season and hats and tea and lots of layers and CHRISTMAS.whoo
i hate james lipton and i dont like over patriotic people
my future is by the sea with a boat :)
i like nice smells and ice coffee is amazing
i love my friends and family lots animals probably more than people
and i dont like forced things.ohno.
do not listen to most things i say, it all comes out too fast and wrong.
i hate woodlice. a lot.

My Interests

quotes, dreams, erotica, busking, conor oberst, the oustide, fine food, books, christmas and festivities in general, great films, live music and the spiderman pc game

I'd like to meet:



american beauty, american history x, a clockwork orange, billy elliott, crash, eternal sunshine, fight club, gia, girl interrupted, jackass, joy luck club, little miss sunshine, lost in translation, mean girls, romeo and juliet, some like it hot, sound of music, team america.


the oc, friends, sex and the city.


the secret history and my family and other animals and harry potter and pride and prejudice


i love a lot of people but fran especially

roxy: uniform says: (21:49:33)
i love you
Fran says: (21:49:40)
yeah but
Fran says: (21:49:41)
i want jelly
Fran says: (21:49:47)

My Blog

bright eyes

well yesterday me and frank went to see bright eyes, which was AMAZINGGGG! may i warn anyone reading this beforehand that this is no way meant to be a thrilling and exciting blog just a nice little re...
Posted by WOXEE on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 05:28:00 PST

grubby tuppence blog 23/08/06

I took this off our grubby tuppence music profile, cause even though our busking days seem to be over, it makes me laugh every time. (written mainly by lulu) hello kidsalright aaaaaaalrightgig number ...
Posted by WOXEE on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 08:53:00 PST

I love Covent Garden (and ham of course)

i am going to tell you of mine and franks adventures around covent garden, because they amuse me much. being the fatties that we are our first quest was to find food. we were both ravishing :) WE LIKE...
Posted by WOXEE on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 01:12:00 PST