MySpace Backgrounds @ Before you were conceived, I wanted youBefore you were born, I loved youBefore you were here an hour,I would die for youThis is the miracle of love.-Maureen Hawkins
What's your name? Monica
Where were you born? Mississippi
Where are you now? North Carolina
Birthday? February 21, 1985
Are you currently employed? I'm on maternity leave :)
Where? Outback Steakhouse
Going to school? Hopefully back to school this fall
Future Goals? Graduate and have a career that I love...
Do you have a significant other, if so for how long? Yes...three years
Are you currently looking for love? No
What's your recent favorite movie? Blood Diamonds
Favorite musical artist(s)? India Arie, Christina Aguilera, Kanye, ....
Song that inspires you? Keep on Singin' my Song (Christina A.)
TV Show you're addicted to? House
Your most thought about regret.... Quitting School
Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla (icecream, that is :)
First Love... The love I still have.
The best time in your life... Living in Puerto Rico....
Are you a mother/father? In two months, I will be!!
Do you want children? Of course
marriage or single forever? Marriage
Favorite part of your body.... My eyes
Something you wish you can change... Racism
Favorite Book.... Too Soon to Say Good-Bye (as a youngster :)
What you would say to someone who has hurt you in the past... I've moved on...happily
Where you'd hope to be in ten years.... In a nice house, near the beach, with my husband and two kids...with my own business, and lots of money (isn't that everyone's dream? :)
Lifetime Quote... "I Believe they can take anything from me, but they can't succeed in taking my inner peace".
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!"It is true that you can never love without loving yourself...but some people get to loving themselves and never go from there.""As I grow to understand life less and less, I learn to love it more and more." -Jules Renard...if you can`t see pass me physically...if you don`t want to know my talents, abilities, and my will never know how beautiful I truly am...|
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