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Rob [WAF]

I am here for Friends

About Me

Robert James Smith
12th September 1989
Find me with my head under a bonnet or with a beer in my hand. Ace Friends. Amazing girlfriend. Plays bass in a band, When Autumn Falls Studying mechanics. Drives a Clio, Loves cars shows. Great memories.
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The Girlfriend
Sara Elizabeth Pitt

She is that special someone to me
As she is so amazing words cannot describe her
I love her in everyway possible
She makes me smile no matter what
She Always sends the cutest txts aswel
But most of all she is there for me all the time and i love her for it
The day seems so much better when shes around
The Fact we can do anything together just makes me fall for her even more
She is pure amazing im lost without her
I found this out when i spent a week without her
Thinking of her brings her closer to me
Our holiday was the best ever!
It was full of everything
And was so cute
She even cooked me breakfast once
I could spend every second with her,Even if it was just to stare at her beautiful face
I love how she always rings me to wake me up
and how we go for long walks in the park with ben n jerrys
When im with her i don't what to be anywhere else
I love how she will cuddle me to sleep and hold me forever
I also love when im moody she puts the biggest smile back on my face
She is beautiful and so cute
And all mine
I love how she gets all protective and gives the finger
When she rubs my nose it makes me go all weird
Even though she is in nottingham nothing has changed
We are stronger than ever
She is the hottest student nurse ever, hehe
I love how we fall asleep and awake up together in the morning
But we don't get out of bed we just cuddle and kiss!
I'm way too lucky
She is one in a million
And shes my one in a million
She my rock!
Shes a little piece of heaven.
I love her.

My Interests

My Car
Miss Sara Elizabeth Pitt ♥

I'd like to meet: