Now then strangers... I'm Maxine-Elizabeth. Don't really use myspace any more so if you message me sorry but you won't get a reply for like a month.
I like the word Cunt. Its one of those words where when its said every one gasps in a shock horror. Its even better when you say it in one of those silent moments you know where every one is talking then just as you say '...and shes a right cunt' the room had just for a few seconds decided to go silent almost as if fate was encouraging you to swear.
I think i've come along way in life shits happened i got over and became a better person for it. I wouldn't change it if i could. You've got to think and live every day like it was your last. Whats the point in being unhappy all the time it doesn't get you any where. Oh and appearence shouldn't mean a thing to any one but lets face it every one judges on looks slightly if not fully. Don't feel like you have to change how you look to make others happy. I'm fat... Fuck it right! I'm not going to lose weight for other people i'll lose it when i can and want too.
I like all different genres of music and as totally geeky as it is thats my mothers fault. I used to be what we call a chav (back then it was townooooo) up untill i was 13, then my mum got me listening to Marilyn Manson and Linkin Park. Shortly after Slipknot came along followed by Machine Head Pantera and the likes. So up untill i was about 17 i was a great big dirty mosher. Now i don't know what you could class me as. I like every type of music there is. Mozart rocks my bed baby yeah... aha. I like rave though i recon i'm a raver at heart.
I could seriously go on many rants about every thing that irritates me but i'll just say a few minor ones.... People with little red cartoon devil tattoos... You're fucking idiots. They don't look good at all there the tackiest of all tattoos you give body modification a bad name shame on you!
I'm a bad drunk. I'm easy to encourage Andy and Sam once encouraged me to run in to bushes and trees at one of Rachels partys. Also another time with Andy a car hit us so i tried to throw up on the car windscreen to piss the driver off but when that didn't work i just punched him instead.
When i first became quite good friends with the 'moshers' at high school i once pretended to be a pigeon in town i don't know why but apprently it was funny?
I'm the most clumsy person you could ever meet. Seriously i can fall over stuff that isn't there. I fall over daily and my balance is quite bad to be honest =D