As I stated earlier, bread pieces. Yes... I am quite interested in sliced bread, bread loaves, bread bowls, and the like.
Other people who share my interest of bobbing for bread pieces.Oh, and perhaps I would like to meet myself... In the future... The machines almost ready, you know.
There is this cricket that lives next to my pond... He sings a song something good, I tell ya.His name is Boy George... (No relation)
Mac and Me.In case you've never heard of it, I will give you a brief overview:It's about a nerdy invalid that meets up with an alien (Mac) who can only survive on coke (the soda ... not -ain), skittles, and blatant advertising. The alien was separated from his family when a big vacum sucked them off of thier planet. One day Mac gets bored of humans and runs away. Oh what ruccus this causes. The invalid, his ugly brother, and two sluts that live next door get in a van and go in search of the ugly snot like creature. Magically, they arrive at a far away cave. The cave is housing Mac's slut whore family. They are week and hungry for they haven't been exposed to any advertising in the cave. SO- they all go to the store for some sodas and somehow the invalid gets blown up by one of the aliens. Mac tells the bitches to bring him back and they become American citizens.... Even though they cant talk english, aren't even human, and accidently blow things up all the time.As you can tell, it's a pretty good movie.
Ducks dont watch Television, Retard...They watch Lakevision.
Having webbed hands, I cannot turn the pages so well. Therefor, I read not.
My hero is the one and only Pig. Pig, you are the best of pigs. You dig?With the exception of the month: