About me huh? Well, I collect change. Seriously. Whenever there is change lying around I have to pick it up and put it in my change jar. I've been known to push down kids and take their change. I have what they call a problem. If you want to know something about me then here it is. I'm an inventor. I am in the process of inventing a popcorn that doesn't get stuck in your teeth. Also, I am going to calculate how to travel faster than the speed of light. I have an extensive theory about length, distance, and how to theoretically advance beyond the speed of light using simple basic math and propulsion, we'll use SOL as our reference to speed of light in this short explanation, traveling at a speed of 25,000 MPH, reaching behind you a distance of 400 billion miles, ok, have I lost any readers yet? Anyhow for a detailed 5 page explanation send me a message.
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