fuckingOMERO is an anger-filled grindcore/screamo/death-brutal metal band born in 1999 in a small town in Kyrgyzistan called Pomona. They've had a lot of success all over Europe, but they also have been stressed as violent, sadistic, pornographic and mentally damaged. Their singer, Syg Packa, spent almost 15 years of his life in jail, and was considered potantially dangerous, because of a weird obsession for farts and anal games. When he met Bob Gray, they founded fuckingOMERO in the town of Derry (Maine), along with the bass player Foppa "the fucker" Pedretti, and gave the classic Italian tone to their lyrics (as he and Bob are from Italy: Foppa is from Norcia, Bob is from Rome). They took with them Germano (they met him in Venice, during some researches) and subscribed a sort of contract with God, as Satan was already busy with Slipknot, in tour in Iowa State). The final element, Hkundra Xhodie, from Oahu, Hawaii, throwed the band towards their destiny... to be the most angry blending of disturbed minds in the entire planet.
They recorded four albums ("I ate my dead drummer's penis for lunch", "SkroZta Smegma", "I've lost my virginity in Azkaban (with a dementor)" and "Lucifer Masturbation") and an EP ("Bulbasaur likes it up his anus, so I thought it'd be disappointing for him not to receive mine"), and they are working for a complete Greatest Hits for 2007, which title seems to sound something like "But Woman Never Wing: 6+2 years of anger"). Stay tuned.
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