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i CoUlD sTiNg LiKe A bEe,CaReFuL hOw U tReAt Me

About Me

wAt AbOuT mE???~ aT fIrSt U'lL tHiNk DaT iM sNoB bUt AcTuAlLy Im NoT!~ m JuSt Ur OrDiNaRy GuRl WhO sHoUlD bE tReAtEd ExTrAoRdInArIlY...~ m SiMpLe BuT hAs ThIs LiTtLe TwiSt OnCe In A wHiLe...~ iM fRiEnDlY,,,sWeEt,,,ThOuGhTfuL,,,cArInG aNd TrUsTwOrThY...~ i CaN bE A fRiEnD tO aNyOnE...~ fRiEnDs CaN tAlK tO mE wiTh JuSt AbOuT aNyThInG uNdEr ThE sUn...~ m VeRy FlExIbLe PeRsOn...I cAn DeAl WiTh DiFfErEnT pEoPlE...* i LoVe To SoCiAlIzE* i LoVe To Go ClUbBiN* i LoVe To HanG oUt WiTh MaH cLaN* i LoVe To ChIlL oUt WiTh MaH fRiEnDs* i LoVe To Go TrAvElLiN* i LoVe To ShOp ClOtHeS,,,sNeAkErS,,,bAgS n SoMe KiKaY StUfFs* i LoVE mIcKeY n MiNnIe MoUsE* i LoVe TeDdYbEaRs* i LoVe ChOcOlAtEs,,,PiZzA,,,pAsTa,,,FrIeS n HoTdOgS* i LoVe GrEeN,,,pInK,,,bLuE n BlAcK cOlOrS~ fOr ThE PeOpLe OuT dEr!!!~"m JuSt EnJoYiN mAh LyF sO dOn'T mEsS uP wItH mE cOz Fo ShO i'Ll GeT bAcK aT yOu!!!method="POST" action=""Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
and the stars aren't out tonight. but neither are we to look up at them.
why does hello feel like goodbye? these memories can't replace.
these wishes i wished and dreams i chased.
take this broken heart and make it right.Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

pEoPlE wHo ArE fRiEnDlY,,, nIcE,,, dOwN tO eArTh,,, HaS a GoOd SeNsE oF hUmOr.... jUsT aDd Me Up At: [email protected]