Fuck You. Fuck me? profile picture

Fuck You. Fuck me?

dance like no one is watching, love like youll never be hurt, sing like no one is listening and live

About Me

The key to Flying is missing the floor.
i have a wife. His name is Mario.
No. You cant have him.
i dont give a fuck if you think im stupid.
immature or naive.
rude, obnoxious, and talk out of my ass.
its who i am so fuck you.
P.S. i know a lot more about you than you think.

-you'll know if i dont like you.
-im loud
-i dont know shit about fashion. nor do i care
-i dye my hair way to fucking much
-i say things without thinking.
-i care to much. or i rarely care. pick one.
-i stick up for my friends.
i WILL make fun of you.
-get me roses and ill love you forever
-i hate the cool kids.
-i like comic books.
-im meaner to guys than girls
-im single. i love it. lets fuck.
-i laugh at scene kids. problem? FUCK YOU.
-im not hot. im beautiful hahahah. no im not.
-i love my friends more than ill ever love you.
-i may sound conceited but honestly im not.
-dont add me.

My Interests

learning to fly

I'd like to meet:

You who by understanding move the third heaven, hear the discourse which is in my heart, and which seems so strange to me that I know not how to say it to others. The heaven which responds to your power, noble creatures that you are, draws me into the state in which I find myself, and so it seems that speech about the life I am experiencing is most appropriately addresses to you. Therefore I pray that you will understand me
My sister is amazing

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People I care about


im a cartoon buff


brave new world,
the odyssey
through the looking glass
bram stokers dracula
clockwork orange
animal farm
the complete works of poe
go ask alice,
bart simpsons guide to life
The rose and the beast
my ishmael
the story of B
the crucible
out of the wind
the scarlet letter
the pearl
of mice and men
the count of monte cristo
farenheit 451


Friends/random photos

img src="http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b21/suckonthis_hoe/IM G_6449.jpg" border="0" alt

My Blog

I wish..

i didnt know...
Posted by Fuck You. Fuck me? on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 09:27:00 PST

something special...

if your a nice guy.. read this..if your a jerk.. learn thisladies: this will make you tear up :)fellas: read it, all of it! :)1-touch her waist2-talk to her3-share secrets4-give her your jacket5-kiss ...
Posted by Fuck You. Fuck me? on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 11:38:00 PST


Why is it that some people just cant seem to grow up. its as if that stage in their lives will never go away. that stage where they think of nothing but what others say and do, and what othe...
Posted by Fuck You. Fuck me? on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 04:31:00 PST