I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Whats to say umm im handsome....lol yea thers not much im Puerto rican and Cuban and i was born in NJ and was raised in union city then i moved down 2 florida. I played football but all dats ova now i graduated class of 07 so now im gettin my shyt stright cuz play times ova.i love my lil sis lin she used to hate me way bak in the day but now were so close shes done alot 4 me and i wouldnt rather have any lil sis in the world and ma older bro bill hes always been der 4 me through thick and thin and hes helped alot in makin me the person i am 2day and ma bro chris we done some stupid shyt in our lives and i have no clue how were even still alive but we are and we graduated and now were goin to as adults to make a mess of shyt lol ST PETE HEAT and ma bro samo neva let 4 down and was always a phone call away and is the father of ma other nephew samsam and all these pplz a big part of my life and i dk what ida done with out them and dont 4 get bout ma cute awsome lil nephew billy jr and u cant 4 get bout one eye (KJ) lol the second time i meet him he smacked me up side ma head and i bout threw him over a railing and even wit him movin as far as france he came bak and were all still a big crazy ass fam and trav umm what to say thats one crazy funny lil mug but kool as hell and also robin ma g/f's mom shes helped me alot when she didnt have to and i really appriated it and she holds a place in ma heart and then theres my mother shiela shes one of the greatest ladies in the WORLD theres not many pplz on this earth that can compare to her and last but not least the MOST imporant person in my life is ma babi GIANELLE we havent been together a long time but i swear it seems like forever shes helped me through alot and has always been der 4 me and i love her 4 dat iv neva meet some1 who could always make me laugh or smile no matter how i felt and if i can keep her 4 eva i will cuz shes perfect in everyway possible and im soo greatful to have her cuz she means the world to me.....and really not to much else if anything ask ima open book
What..s your pimped out ghetto thug weapon? "Da Nine"
That's right. You're hardcore and prefer to keep your hands clean. Catch anyone messin' with you, and you'll bust out your nine and cap their bitch ass
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1967 Shelby GT 500
You are a 1967 Shelby GT 500. You love your car because it's rare. You know you can whoop on most other cars, but you tend not to because you don't want to scratch your paint. You try to keep as many miles off of your car as you can.%D%A%D%A%D%A
.. You scored as Hot. Haha! u are so hotttttttttt!
Emo Kid
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What NFL WR are you????? (Sick PIcz) Steve Smith Short, but Great hands and has tremendous Speed Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! %D%A%D%A%D%A %A%D%A%D%A%D%A Take the quiz:
what type of car are you? Supercar you have xpensive taste and only get the fastest and sleekest. u like goin 3 times the speed limit Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!