I'd like to meet people from all walks of life who are not afraid of a challenge. I take my business seriously and intend to help all my clients reach their goals. Whether you want to lose weight, tone muscle, fat busting, general fitness or sport specific. I have some clients who want to lose weight for their wedding day, lose their beer belly or are going on holiday and want to look good on the beach. I am also looking to train some people who are after sport specific training as i'm hoping to start my athletics coaching soon. I am also beginning to take part in other sports as a hobby so that i can get a feel for the event, which will enable me to help my clients. I'm also currently writing a book on sport specific training as i am trying to challenge the theory of sports training in general. Hopefully one day it will get published. I would tell you more but it's a secret, at present i'm my own guinea pig in my research and i'm constantly making notes and changing things. At the moment i'm fitter than when i was 22 so things could be working.Other than the personal training i would like to meet anyone and eveyone as it's a big wide world out there it's good to meet people, whether it be networking or friendship etc,or whatever takes your fancy. I'm always up for a bit of fun and having a laugh, as i'm a firm believer that laughter is the best medicine.