SPANWISE FILAMENT is Anna Hetherington. She has been organising vibrations since nay high to a Grasshopper and now shares said disturbances with the rabbles on the superhigh-technox sphere shaped web…Moving to Leeds to hone her writing and production skills she began playing gratuitously in the cities and towns of our great green and brick-like pastures with the monster-juicing machine RED GO GREEN STOP...Aside from contorting and distorting with sweaty men, deranged women, and monsters and bricks on various mediums and platforms, she enjoys the secluded and sometime hermit-inducing method of composing and recording from home, creating a sweet aromatic blend of ethereal electronica and instrumental/owt based spuds, striving to push jelly off the plate and experiment in various fields of sound (insert 'ness.' where appropriate).She's determined to keep progressing, convalescing and messing with stuff.If suitably intrigued, also check out her other stuff and the people she's making music with:,,, &
I like it I hope you're liking it too...................................................Smooth
It Out by Red Go Green Stop & Team Zissou