We,The Zone Team, would like to give you this opportunity to be apart of something really big. We are taking members of our site www.myoutdoorzone.com on hunting and fishing trips around the world. It's easy, all you have to do is create a profile, upload some pictures of you and your trophies, and send us a 3 minute video telling us why you should go with us. We will then select random members and send them a comment letting them know they have been selected. Show off as much as possible cause we are looking everyday.
 I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)
OTZTV 2009 show open
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Season 2 of OWN THE ZONE TV begins June 29th. Don't miss a single episode. It's major network reality TV mixed with a little camo.