About Me
I must say that I truly feel as if I am the luckiest woman alive. I am married to an amazing man who astonishes me with his character, charm, and good looks... not to mention his myriad other attributes for which I hold him in desired awe. If you know him personally, you already understand, and if you don't, I suggest allowing yourself to truly get to know this man whose genuine care has touched the lives of those I hold most dear. I am thankful he shares his life with me, in Eddy, I've won the jackpot. I'm very proud to call him mine. I am also a mommy, and if you don't know, it happens to be the best, most rewarding, AND most challenging job in the world. YES all the cliches are true. Having children really does change your perspective on ALL of life. I had five years of independence to be self-serving and ridiculous before my huge life-change, and let me tell you I had a TON of fun being a miscreant, lol. I know that it may be shocking to those of you who have known me the longest to see the settled and very much domesticated life I now call mine, but let me assure you, no one save me is more astonished with the true and utter content I've achieved.. I almost feel as though I stole someone else's perfect dream and supplanted myself in their shoes somehow. I am more content in this life (in VEGAS, nonetheless, lol) than I ever could have dreamed. I DO, however, truly miss Hawaii. It's deeper than a mere 'missing', it is in fact a longing... I will return. Hopefully, we will eventually acquire a place, or even some property (to camp out on, LOL) Hilo-side of the Big Island. My dreams are many, my hopes are high. Thank you to all who have loved me, through all the many changes my life's undergone. Now.... about me....I am a lover of ideas, of open-ness, of love.
A philanthropist, a humanitarian, a revolutionary in my own small way.
I am humble... most times.
I am down to earth.
My thoughts hold me captive, I am trapped and released daily.
I can be eccentric, I can be temperamental, I fall into the pure essence of childlike fervor and faith moment by moment.
I fall into crushes instantly.
I can't help but give people the benefit of the doubt.
I phrase things strangely sometimes.
I am an open book, I wear my emotions on my sleeve, so to speak, and know no other way.
I am both the weakest and strongest person I know.
I am rambling, very good at that.I possess a good measure of common sense as well as street smarts; those I EARNED the hard way.
I look out for others. I try to be as good an example as I can.
I love to spoil those I care deeply about.
I am always looking for a way to lend a hand, help someone in need.
Pain is one of my greatest teachers.
I have been told that I come on too strong.
I am all over the place.
I make myself laugh when no one else is around.
I sing in the car.
I care very little about what ignorant people think.
Loud music turns me on.
Live music turns me on more.
I try never to judge based on first impressions, I've found that people often deserve at least three chances. (There were times when I needed three myself.)I'm usually brutally honest.
I am a believer.....
I think cops are sexy.
I love myself.
I am not afraid.
I can't stand plastic people, fake personalities. The biggest compliment I can offer is to say someone is 'Genuine'.
I love new things, and I am fond of old things.
I value true friendship.
I love elderly people, especially those few die-hard couples walking down the street holding hands.
I cry more out of happiness than anything else.
I get high off of experience, relationship, and good food.I am sleepy and going to bed now. retro layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments