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chris life

About Me

"Nehmen Sie den Tag und die Nacht, die Freude und den Schmerz, schütteln Sie das Ganze kräftig durch und trinken Sie jeden Morgen ein volles Glas davon. Nun, sieh an, Sie sind ein Mensch geworden. Freut mich, Sie willkommen heissen zu dürfen, junger Freund. Sie werden sehen, das Leben ist von unvergleichlicher, trauriger Schönheit." (Philippe Djian)++++++++ it’s all about running in circles. the same walked out paths over and over again. like being caught in a trap that’s originally not meant to be one. you keep on walking with hope in mind and relief in sight but your fingers are not able to get a hold on what looks so beautiful. the destination is set somewhere and somehow; not necessarily clear but at least romantically focused in its outlines. a place that everybody is dreaming of but so many never reach. a place that tends not to be true. [nothing seems to be beautiful and true.] but who am I to be the one to change? to let these “heavy boots” turn my heart into just a more and more diminishing shadow of itself. until nothing’s left apart of the ghosts of what we gave up. so i’ll still keep on walking, heavily choking and with bruises bleeding but trying to hold my head up high. tears are rolling down my cheeks and an insecure and anxious smile is doing it’s best to face what’s definitely to come. +++++++ a couple of years ago I did a fanzine called LIFE with some hc/punkrock stuff but mostly personal writings, columns, poems and things like that. i'm planning to post some of these here on my profile maybe alongside some more current writings. If you're interested watch out - you're welcome!

My Blog

Split Lip/Chamberlain lyrics

These are the lyrics to probably my favourite song of all time. It's called "5 Year Diary" and it's by an absolutely amazing band called SPLIT LIP who renamed to CHAMBERLAIN later. It's close to impos...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 07:36:00 GMT

Small extract from LIFE 4

This is something I wrote about 10 years ago and which was published a little later in LIFE 4 ... I had to think about this piece earlier today and thought it was a nice idea to post it here as I anyw...
Posted by on Fri, 09 May 2008 04:38:00 GMT