Brett Warren... Born 1984 on the night of december the 12th ... Born in North Hollywood CA LA ... Brett moved to england to meet the rest of his family when he was younger and decided england was where he was going to spend his life growing up .. but Brett decided at a young age that LA calafornia is where his life will end .... In the mean time whilst Brett is still young he has been creating and making music all his life from jazz to pop even r/b and some rock .. he plays instrument but his first love is the piano and that will stick with him through life .. everything you hear on this page has been written by Brett or co..written ... behind every song is a story behind every lyric is an emotion ones that he seems to think all people would be able to relate to.. Brett spent his early part of his carear in a band called 5BOYZ who where unsighned but did very well for an unsighned band! ... from there Brett went on to be sighned by Jamie nelson at EMI records in a band 365 who released there debute single in 2006 called one touch .... Brett had no writing on the song and thinks it was a real crapy song that war released at the wrong sort of time... Brett is curruntly unsighned so if anyone is looking please get in touch!! ...anyway write messages and leave comments this it what this page is here for ... Bretts moto is Dream of those dreams .. he always says if u dream hard enough they are bound to come true ....
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