Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
Obsessive Freak!
How Obsessive Are You Over Buffy?
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"Your face is a poem. I can read it."
What "Buffy" Character Are You?
You are Once More With Feeling!
Which Buffy Episode Are You?
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Who's Your Inner Buffy Bad-Girl? Find out @ She's Crafty
Which Buffy archetype are you?
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You Are A True Buffy The Vampire Slayer fan! You
have probably seen every episode, you know
every character by name and you have heard
every Buffy musical song! Great! Good Job!
Can you call yourself a Buffy-fan?
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Vampire Buffy from Nightmares
Which Buffy Alter Ego Are You?
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Spike and Dru
What Buffy couple are you?
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You're ment to be with Spike! He's a real bad boy,
but when he's in love he'll do everything
(believe me, EVERYTHING) for you. Good catch!
Who is your Buffy Match? (for girls only!)
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Spike: You're eternally stuck inbetween, never
knowing who's side you're on, whether to be
good or bad...and what exactly do good and evil
mean, anyway? But you'll sacrifice a lot for
love, and there's something to be said for
that. You're also pretty tough and sexy.
If I Were a Buffy Character, I'd Be...
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Your boyfriend is Spike.
Who is your Buffy boyfriend?
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You are SpikeYou are so hot! and semi-evil.
You're usually pretty sad and you like to drink
But that's okay because you're really sexy!
*~*Whats Your Buffy Alias?*~*
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Who's your male Buffy soul mate?
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I should date Spike! I like punks.
Which Buffy guy should you date?
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I'd like to meet:
Friends, any and all people who want to have a good time, Buffy fans.
Your Buffy quote by norwegianne
Buffy says: You're like a serial killer in jail.
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Which Drusillaism are you? by MissEdith
User name:
Favorite color:
Miss Edith: "I knew, before you did, I knew you loved the slayer. The pixies in my head whispered it to me."
Quiz created with MemeGen !
We Are Amazed!
How Big of a Buffy Fan Are You?
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You've had most (or all) of them correct! Great
job, you're a real fan!
Buffy Episode Quiz
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Rest In Peace...
Which Buffy Musical Song Are You?
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You are Faith! Always ready to fight, strong, and
wreckless. You are the one a person would like
to have by their side.
Which Buffy Character are you?
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You're Buffy!
Which Buffy the Vampire Slayer Girl are You?
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Which Buffy vampire are you?
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