Jason from Take That! If he would just do a sexy dance and grind away for me in his hot, tight, leather pants then i would die a happy woman!.
Arnie - Who is your daddy and what does he do?! Forget all those macho films though, his best film was CLEARLEY Jingle All The Way!
Rachel Weisz - My absolute icon, a fabulous actress and absolutely gorgeous
Adam Sandler - Sooooooo funny!
Leonardo Di Caprio - smoking hot!
Johnny Knoxville is soooooooooo gorgeous!. He'd be my ideal man if he wasn't trying to kill himself half the time..
Justin Timberlake - Nuff said!
Kate Beckinsale - Another fabulous actress, she always looks so beautiful and graceful, i wish i looked like her boo hoo!
Jim Carey - A comedy genius!
Jack Black - A very funny man who loves to rock out
David Bowie - I like him because he's a music GENIUS, he wore those hot tight leggins in Labyrinth and also he has two different coloured eyes like me!
UnkleJam - The best band on this planet!
*Happy sigh* ahhh Enrique, need i say more?
Danny Dyer - My fave actor in the whole world who i love to death, seriously he is like sex on a stick without the stick!
That dude off Knightmare, whatever happened to him??
Ace Rimmer - What a guy! Stoke me a clipper i'll be back for christmas!
Richard O'Brien from the Cystal Maze, bow down and pay homage people!
Dr Emmett Brown - Creator of the flux capacitator! Seriously though Christohper Lloyd is so cool! He has been in the best films ever - Back to the Future 1, 2 and 3, The Addam's Family and Addam's Family Values, My Favourite Martian, Who framed Roger Rabbit etc. He was also the voice of the librarian in The Pagemaster and if that wasn't enough starred in the best damn PC game ever invented Toonstruck!
Simon Pegg - Cracks me up everytime and he's sooooo adorable i just wanna take him home awwww
Victoria Beckham - My style icon, i try and image myself on her as much as possible although not very successfully!
As you can see!
OMG here is where i get to add a new bit to my profile as i've actually met 2 of the people on my list so far!!
Here is me and Chris Barrie aka Ace Rimmer, smoke me a kipper!
.....And sorry to make you jealous girlies but here is me and the absolutely GORGEOUS Danny Dyer!!
You never know i might end up meeting more people off my list although some how i'm thinking Leo Di Caprio might be wishful thinking lol.
Ahhh well seeing Take That in concert in December so maybe Jason next???