perns, scar stories, foreign languages, reading, patron silver, red wine, films, books, scary girl, gloomy bear, drunken ass grabs, chimay, music, rb&v, dictionaries, grammar, BELGIAN beers...damnit, crime scene photography, blue, solitude, resisting the urge to peel off protective plastics, unfortunate pets in a neck cone thingy, insomnia and sleeping aids, sleep, pajamas, slippers, blank books, books with words, people who watch porn in the car, wasabi peas, foreign currencies, passport stamps, acoustic guitar, beer festivals in Belgium, 'ignore' buttons, floaty pens, conversations about nothing, debates about important things, creating scenarios, drunken babbles, tangents, traveling, Portmeirion, bubble wrap, ellipses, hiding in my hair, hiding from the sun, making my bedroom as cave-like as possible, reading before sleeping, shaving the heads of stupid boys with hipster hair (grow some 'nads!), sharpies, scarves, obvious key changes, blah, blah, blah
Trustworthy, interesting, real, non-stupid people.
Known football hooligans.
People who aren't afraid to use a semicolon.
Click here and go read a book, fool!
Yes, please.
i don't have the attention span for most movies, unless i'm allowed to use the pause button.
it needs to die.=/
i read all the time and any suggestions are welcome.
(people who read books are sexy!!)
Currently reading:
by Hermann Hesse, Basil Creighton (Translator)
-i know some of the most beautiful souls in the world and they enrich my life with every encounter. anyone would be lucky to meet them.