50 short questions Survey!
Sleep with or without clothes on? without lol
Prefer black or blue pens?
Dress up on Halloween? yep last year i woz a punkin
Like to travel? yes
Like Someone? yes
Do they know? yes
Who sleeps with you every night? my sexy giraffe
Think you're attractive? yes
Want to get married? yes
To: Tyson Beckford
Are you a good student? yes, am wonderful
Are you currently happy? very
Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on? both neva
Birthplace? northwick park
Christmas or Halloween? christmas
Colored or black-and-white photo? black-and- white photo
Do long distance relationships work? nah wats da point lol
Do you believe in astrology? yer kidda, whos 2 no really
Do you believe in love at first sight? yes
Do you consider yourself the life of the party? ofcourse
Do you drink? no
Do you make fun of people? no
Do you think dreams eventually come true? not 4 me
Favorite fictional character? dnt have one
Go to the movies or rent? cinema
Have you ever moved? yes
Have you ever stolen anything? nah
How's the weather right now? sunny, but windy
Last time you cut your hair? 21/02/08
Last person you talked to on the phone? Rianne
Last time you showered? like 2 hours ago
Loud or soft music? loud
Mcdonalds or Burger King? mc..'ds
Night or day? night
Number of pillows? 2
Piano or guitar? piano
Future job? desk top publishing
Current job? foot locker
Current love? who do u think lol
Current longing?
Current disappointment?
Current annoyance?
Last thing you ate? donut
Last thing you bought? jeans
Most recent thing you are looking forward to? good vibes
What are you hearing right now? my t.v downstairs
Plans for the weekend? do some coursework
What did you do today? nothin lol
Pick a lyric, any lyric or song? m.y.a = fallin
Pick a movie quote? I know you don..'t smoke weed, I know this; but I..'m gonna get you high today, ..'cause it..'s Friday; you ain..'t got no job... and you ain..'t got shit to do. lol
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