Someone who can still see the beauty in this life, one who is out to complete goals and make the best of their time on earth. Someone who never lost the curiosity they had when they were young, one who can write with proper spelling and grammar. Someone who is optomistic and has a love for people, one who is creative and not afraid to take risks. Someone who isn't afraid to speak their mind, but isn't too brash either. Someone who knows how to enjoy the simple pleasures, one who knows when to grab on and when to let go of things. Someone who is opinionated, yet open and honest. Someone spontaneous and slightly erratic, but not overbearing. Someone who can say that they completely disagree with everything I just typed, but want to know me anyway. Agree to disagree, break out of your shell, spread your wings, it's all the same, basically, I'd like to!
I've gotta represent for the big man upstairs, because he's the reason that I'm even able to type this. God is and always will be my biggest hero. Of course, I love my whole family, and am jealous of people that can do cool things I can't *watch the video*! My friends made me who I am, I'm forever indebted to them. . .