I'm Casey
and I'm a G.
I like to drive fast.
I like music, all of it.
I like being the first to wear something.
I'm random.
I like cheesecake filling.
People think of me naked. :)
My friends aren't just friends, they're family.
I say "La Di Da" when I'm bored.
I wanna be an archaeologist. Like Indiana Jones.
I am told that my personality is that of Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's.
My sister and I have random fights.
I drive a Geo Tracker. It sucks.
I get way too into video games when I play.
I love to read... like a lot.
I have a teacher that means as much or more to me than my own family.
I give people nicknames like "Alph-A-Roonie" and "Rebellio".
I make animal noises like "Grr" and "Purr".
I pretty much love history.
I wear a lot of beads.
According to Blake Irwin, I'm the leader of the uber-nerds.
I can touch my epiglottis, hah.
I'm a natural Wii bowler and get physical in Wii tennis.
All of my passwords look like this ******.
I work a lot.
When I get tired, I get even more random.
I dance a lot.
"Tengo dinero en el banco. Bajito, ¿que bebes?
I asked Alph-a-roonie for help on these random things and he so graciously stopped all that he was doing to help me with them. It made me happy. :)