Animes and Mangas, making comic books, drawing, writing, reading, cross-stitching, cooking, sewing
Anime songs and music from the 80s
Ice Castles, Karate Kid, Die Hard, Sailormoon R The Movie, X 1999, CCS Movie 2, Street Fighter II Animated Movie, American Ninja, Joy Luck Club, Sound of Music, Little Mermaid, Mulan, Lilo and Stitch, Tarzan, Mannequin, Ever After, Sister Act, The Ring, Aliens, 13th Warrior, Beowulf, Mortal Combat, Lord of the Rings, The Matrix
Memoirs of a Geisha, Samurai Girl series, Anne of Green Gable Series, Judith Mcnaught and Teresa Medeiros novels, Little Lord Fauntleroy, Little Women, Harry Potter series, A Little Princess, Nancy Drew Mysteries, Secret Garden, etc.