About us:
Where is the popular demand?We're two pretty bitchin guys who sit in history class and play around most of the time. One day (April 23, 2007), we decided to do the world a favor and answer all your questions. We're going to make videos of our responses, and upload them for you. How noble.
We're going to put them onYouTube
as well as
MySpace. You should really watch them on MetaCafe, if possible. We can get rewards, which will help us make better videos and eat and pay rent and stuff.
We're both pretty nice guys, so please don't hesitate to contact us if you want our help. You can send us a message here, IM us (our joint screen name on AIM is AskCrissnCaleph), see us in person, have your friend contact us, get on television, write a song and make it a hit, or just about anything. We'll be happy to answer you.
About Criss:
Umm not much to say except for im pretty fuckin awesome I get bored pretty easily and when me and Caleph started this it sounded like a good idea were just here to answer all of your horrble embarrising questions that your afraid to ask a doctor like "Is this herpes" and "why does it go to the left so much" or just any random question you've been pondering for awhile. Also whereas Caleph's pansy ass never gets into trouble i'm quite the opposite i've been arrested a few times but all in the good name of fun. Also im an ASSHOLE so get the fuck over it. If I hurt your feelings your welcome.
Need to talk to me directly I can be contacted on AIM .. angelofdeath1899.
About Caleph:
I'm an artist, a musician, a freelance critic, a genius, and a beast. I'm kind of conceited for some reason, but I'm usually friendly unless I dislike you. I use impeccable English most of the time, but like everyone else, I like to slang it up in this bitch every once in a while. I'm pretty good with computers and stuff. I have never been convicted of a felony, and I have never gotten into an automobile accident. I don't drive. My favorite foods are pirogies, soft tacos, Jamaican beef patties, papaya, and Mandarin oranges. I have a sweet little Border Collie named Fly; you would love him. I can almost always be contacted on AIM. My screen name is DamnCalephAsher.