I have lived, loved and lost more in this life time then most do in all life times! I have lived all over the world and currently experincing life in Manti, Utah. I am 40 years young as of August 15th 2008. However, my loved ones know me as the eternal 7 year old.embed src="http://lads.myspace.com/photoshow/slideshow.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" wmode="transparent" flashvars="userID=183378334&bgColor=10079487&bgColor
howCaptions=1&albumID=1682967" width="445" height="230" name="slider" align="middle"/>
fantasy layout @
HOT FreeLayouts.com Myspace.com Blogs - Why should the wedding ring be worn on the fourth finger? - Freespirit Gyps http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog....
This is what love is to me!!!
My family is my friends and my friends are family! I am proud of them and a little nervous at times!! LOL! enjoy!Uncoditionally Yours,
Love Live Laugh Often...I Do!!!Some Fun Stuff