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GiRlS sUrVeY
AbOuT mE
NaMe: Brandy
AgE: 29
B-dAy: 9~28~78
GeNdEr: Female
ZoDiAc SiGn: Libra
RiGhTy/LeFtY: Lefty
BeDtImE: as soon as I can get there at night
DrEaM jOb: photog to the rich LOL
CoLoR: Aqua
FoOd: Italian
AnImAl: ~na
SeAsOn: Fall in Indiana
SoNg: W/O you- M.J. Blidge
CaNdY: 3 musketeers
IcE cReAm: mint
PeRfUmE/bOdY sPrAy: Glo by JLo
HoLiDaY: Valentines Day
NuMbEr: 19
AcToR/aCtReSs: Leah Remini, JLo, Blair Underwood
FrIeNdS & lIfE
FuTuRe JoB: working mom, I'm a SAHM now
TuRn OnS: romance
TuRn OfFs: liars
BeSt FrIeNd: My Hubby
WoRsT eNeMy: Fake A** B*tches, u know who u are
FaVoRiTe YOU TrAiT: NYC attitude
LeAsT fAvOrItE YOU tRaIt: temper
FiLl iN tHe BlAnK
I wAnT tO DiE ____: b4 I'm so old I poop on myself
I wOuLd Be HaPpY iF ____: We won the lottery
CaTs Are ____: one stepp above gross
YoU sIlLy LiTtLe ____: B*tch
UnDeR nO cIrCuMsTaNcEs ShOuLd YoU ____: talk shit and run, cause I'll hunt you down LOL
HaVe YoU eVeR
BeEn In LoVe: yes, I am soo il love with my hubby :) mwaah!
BeEn To JaIl: been to juvi
BeEn ReJeCtEd: yeap
BeEn BeAtEn Up: when I was 12
BeAtEn SoMeOnE uP: yeap in my younger years,
BeEn ChEaTeD oN: hell yeah
ChEaTeD oN sOmEoNe: long time ago
ShOpLiFtEd: nope
BeEn DrUnK: yeap
SmOkEd: what??
ChEwEd: eeww! no!
BeEn On StAgE: yeap
LaUgHeD sO hArD yOu CrIeD: all the time
BeEn KiSsEd In ThE rAiN: yes
ThIs -or- ThAt
PePsI -or- cOkE: pepsi
VaNiLlA -or- cHoCoLaTe: chocolate
McDoNaLdS -or- bUrGeR kInG: McD's
ItAlIaN -or- mExIcAn: Italian
FaCe -or- BoDy: face
FrUiTs -or- VeGgIeS: fruits
LiMmO -or- jAgUaR: Limmo
CaN yOu
Do ThE sPlItS: not any more
WhIsTlE: yes
SnAp YoUr FiNgErS: yes
Do A cArTwHeEl: haha! not today
CrOsS yOuR eYeS: yes
WrItE wItH bOtH hAnDs: yes, may not be able to read the right one
Do A bAcK-bEnD: no
PaT yOuR hEaD & rUb YoUr TuMmY: yes
ToUcH yOuR tOnGuE tO yOuR nOsE: nope
LaSt PeRsOn YoU
HuGgEd: Armond
KiSsEd: Dondi
TaLkEd To On ThE pHoNe: Ryan & Brandyn
YeLlEd At: Katey
PrOmIsEd: Celeste
At ThIs MoMeNt
WhErE aRe YoU: at my P.C.
WhAt ShIrT dO yOu HaVe On: pink old navy
WhAt PaNtS: pink old navy
ArE yOu WeArInG SoCkS: nope
ArE yOu LiStEnInG tO mUsIc: yes
WhAt CoLoR aRe YoUr NaIlS: clear
Do YoU bElIeVe In
SaNtA cLaUsE: nope, he gives my kids lots of stuff tho
ElMo: no
EaStEr BuNnY: no
GoD: of course
OtHeR wOrLdS: no
GhOsTs: not really
In A bOy
EyEs: brown
MuScLeS (yEs Or No): yesssss!
HeIgHt: ova 6ft
EmO (yEs Or No): no
Do YoU
SwEaR: alot
SiNg WeLl: nope
ShOwEr DaIlY: yes
DrInK: what??
SmOkE: what??
WaNt To GeT mArRiEd: I am married!
WaNt To Go To CoLlEgE: went to college
Go To ChUrCh: some times, I sould go every sunday
PrAy: yes
KeEp A dIaRy: no
WaNt KiDs: I have enough kids! LOL I love them
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