Its said "that I am the type person that everyone gets along with." It is also said "that I can be depended on when a friend is needed". Its even said "that I'm good for kepping U laughing and smiling, and usually there when U need a shoulder to cry on". Well, I'm not usually one to agree with what others say about me, but this time the sayings are right. I'm a people person. And I'll gaurantee that if U take the time to get to know me, u'll find out for urself that its all true. I am a family man and I truly love the Lord!!! I am an avid church-goer (attending 2 to 3 times a week). I am a sabbath observer, as well as a commandment keeper!!! Anything else u'd like to know just ask.found this layout at HOT :: MyHotComments (
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