Q: What are your interests? A: People who are willing to renew my faith in humanity.
Q: Who would you like to meet in the real world? A: To be honest, I want to meet the same person everyone else wants to meet: me with different genitalia and a better hold on their finances. Q: What dead people? A: If they could be with soul and re-animated without a craving for human flesh? I'd say...William Faulkner, Sylvia Plath, Jackson Pollock, Vincent Van Gogh, JP Sartre, Samuel Beckett, Emily Dickenson, Peter Jennings, Chris Farley, the cast of Will and Grace, Geena Davis' career, and the Gutenberg of printing press fame.
Q: Why do you have such amazing taste in music? A: It's the culmination of my classical training and mostly isolated adolescence and early adulthood. When you generally avoid people you tend to turn to music.On my playlist: The Smashing Pumpkins (always and forever), The Rakes, The Futureheads, Priscilla Ahn, Ingrid Michelson, Jimi Hendrix, Interpol, She Wants Revenge, Maritime, Jump Little Children, Billie Holiday, the Gloria Record, Miles Davis, Cat Power, Fiest, The Octopus Project, Ted Leo, John Coltrane, The Shins, the Appleseed Cast, Jimmy Eat World (oh, poo on you, some emo can be good....sometimes...), Against Me, Rilo Kiley,Andrew Bird (holy cats can that man whistle), Boy Kill Boy, Beck, the Cary Brothers, Dealership, Deathcab for Cutie, Postal Service, The Dresden Dolls, Elliot Smith, the Get Up Kids, Hellogoodbye, Gregory and the Hawk, Iron and Wine, The Hives, Johhny Cash....I'm boring myself. The point- I listen to music almost ALL of the time.
Q: Do you like movies? A: I see movies at least twice a week. My current Favorites: Full Metal Jacket I Heart Huckabees Juno Equilibrium The City of Lost Children Breathless ( the original) Stariway to the Gallows (Mol and Davis?!?! How can you go wrong?) The Puma Man (or "the pumaman" for those in the know) Spaceballs The Science of Sleep Shopgirl ..... The list goes on and on. I'm ridiculously nerdy about movies.Q: Why don't you get a life? A: I hate you.
Q: What do you like to watch on Television? A: Oh, just some of the worst shit you can imagine: Make Me a Supermodel, America's Next Top Model, Rock of Love, any " INSERT WORDS- Caught on Tape!" shows that show awful things happening to innocent bystanders...my mom has tried to get my to watch that lie detector show but I'm afraid that I'll like it so I purposely avoid it. Q: Do you have any redeeming television preferences? A: Project Runway, Heroes, Daily Show,Venture Brothers, NOVA, Family Guy... Q: Do you have any redeeming television preferences? A: Ha, I know. I'm like a 12 year old boy.... Q: What about Project Runway? A: Ok, a 12 years old boy who's confused about his sexuality.
Q: What kind of books do you like to read? A: Well, as I have a degree in World Lit. I like to read anything that makes it even more obvious that I’m much smarter than you.Q: Why are you such a bitch? A: I hate myself…no…wait. That’s not the reason. Stop asking me that.
Q: Who are your heroes? A: Besides myself? Ummmmmm... Sid Fowler, Robert DiNero, Lewis Black, Haruki Murakami, Jean Paul Sartre. I don't know. Anyone who lives without as much fear but with as much passion as possible....that excludes Sid because he prefers to fester in his own misery but I still think he's awesome so, he's on the list. Oh! And Rey because he made this and every time I watch it I laugh so hard I pee a little: Q: What about Jesus? A: What about him?