Kristin&Oscar profile picture


We're having a bay bay!

About Me

First off:: Welcome to my personal page. If your one of my friends on here it means either I know you or you've became on of my close "myspace" friends. Lucky you. Im not going to explain or go into detail about myself because obviously you know me, but I will let you know whats going on in my life right now. Im sure some of you noticed my page says I live in Dallas, Texas. I dont live there yet but I am moving there the end of November. I love Atlanta to pieces but my heart says that my life is in Texas now. My boyfriend Oscar and I have like a fairytale relationship! When I moved to Atlanta we were still dating but we decided to go our separate ways because of the distance. That was about 2.5 years ago. I recently went to visit him and I cant live without this boy! I felt like I was home again. I have realized that this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love you baby.
"Love is EVERYTHING it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more..."
My thoughts on LOVE:: LoVe...isn't perfect. It isn't a fairytale or a storybook, and it doesn't always come easy. It's about overcoming obstacles, facing challenges and FIGHTING to be together, and its about holding on and never letting go. We think about it, dream about it, and lose sleep worrying about it. When we don't have it, we search for it. When we discover it, we fear of losing it. It is the constant source of pleasure and pain. But we can't predict which it will be from one moment to the next. It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define, impossible to live without. Love is work, but most important of all, love is realizing that every hour, every minute, every second of it was worth it because you did it...together.
"So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day."
"It's Utterly Amazing How
-One Song-
Can Bring You To Tears And Say Everything You've Been Trying To Put Into Words In Just A Matter Of Minutes"

My Interests

I love my boyfriend Oscar

Friends and family. Batman. Margarita. Making money. Cute cars. Dallas Cowboys. Warmth and positve energy. Being Superior. Nature; good weather. Beautiful beaches. Amazing food. Snow cones.Text messaging. Cooking. Grey Goose Vodka. Redbull. Visiting my parents. Nice restaurants; Romantic dinners. Massages. Luxury and comfort. Diamonds. Stilletoes and sexy lingerie. Weekends. Vacations. Shopping. Body Sprays. Tanning beds. Victoria Secret. Clubbing. VIP everywhere I go. Confidence. Make up. Fake eyelashes. Clothing; fashion. Looking my best. Hot accessories. Going to nice place. Going to new cities. Daydreaming. Kissing and cuddling. Lauhing. Watching TV. Reality shows. Being on my laptop. Cats;Servals and Toygers. Myspace. Summertime. Rollarcoasters. Water, swimming. Mexican food.Trying to speak spanish. People who are polite and good hearted. Serenity. Saunas and Jacuzzis. Vera Wangs Princess purfume. Long legs; high heels. Being lazy in bed. Hot showers and bubble baths. Passion. Romance. Pleasant surprises. Taking pictures. Smiling :)

♥Our Babies♥



I'd like to meet:

Oscar::I gotta admit sometimes I feel weak for loving you the way I do, It's beyond me, I can't control it or force it to be, you know, what I want it to be, I think about you so much when I'm with you and when I'm not, It's deep, the way, just looking in your eyes just changes my whole perspective, Nothing is more beautiful than loving you, holding you being next to you, Kissing your lips taking my time with you, Nothing is more beautiful than loving you Holding you being next to you, Moving my hips, Moving in time with you, but of all the things in the world, god gave us to each other, It's amazing, You are the king I always imagined, This is the best time of my life ♥



Kristin and Oscars DETAILS

Status: Together Forever♥
Here for: Making people jealous
Orientation: Straight
Hometown: Texas Baby
Body Type: 5'10''/ 6'2''
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Religion: Catholic
Sign: Libra/Capricorn
Smoke / Drink: no/yes
Children: soon enough
Who loves eachother more: Def Kristin haha
Been together for: We'll say 2.5 years :)

Myspace Cursors
