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I am here for Friends

About Me

Well, my name is Briana and I'm sixteen years old. I like most, consider myself to be very mature for my age. I own a registered Quarter Horse named G-Money. I am an author of my own fictional book series about horses. I enjoy doing digital equine artwork and model portraits. I simply love Anime, you could say besides my horse it's my number one passion. I absolutely hate bitches, braggers, and of course, bullshit. Most people in fact make me sick with how they act, what happened to respect, honesty and maturity?

Vampires are a great interest of mine, as well as the thought of ever going to Japan. And like I said, anything Anime goes for me. I suppose pretty much anything else you might care to know about myself, you're going to have to ask me. Oh, and for the reccord, just because I'm quiet doesn't mean that I am shy, because I'm not shy. You don't ask, I don't tell...Shhh.


Things you should know about me:

1. My name is pronounced (Bree-ann-ah, not Bree-awe-nah.)

2. Two things you don't mess with: #1 My mother, #2 my horse.

3. I am a very serious person, just because I don't have a constant smile on my face doesn't always mean I'm mad.

4. I am very well spoken when it comes to typing on the computer, I don't tend to lean on "Plz" and "OMG" to get me through a conversation. I do speak English you know.

5. I always say what's on my mind, no matter what.

6. I do not reside in any type of social group, I am my own person, I don't need to be emo about it, or be a preppy idiot. I'm just me.

7. If I am sarcastic with you...get over it and consider yourself lucky.

8. If I'm mad, you'll know it.

9. I lead, not follow.

10. I have a slight country accent.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I don't really care. Not looking to meet anyone, really. They'll find me is my opinion.

My Blog

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