How easily a simple state of mynd can be destroyed by a single thought.
What delusions do we hold over ourselves that we can maintain a sincere and dignified state for so long, given all that occurs and passes?
Tell me then, what truths are there that we hold self-evident?
The right to disillusionment?
The right to self-deciept?
The right to ignorance, praytell?
When is it that these rights are to be shifted from a form of protection into a form of negativity?
I do few things for proper reason, and even fewer things out of nescessity.
But sometimes, it's easier just to let it go and live, in lieu of giving in to logical reasoning.
I don't think.
I just do.
I just am.
I just live.
Why is it, then, that another individual is able to bring me back from my constant euphoria and throw me again into this prison you call Reality?
...why is that I allow this to myself?
Where is my disillusionment?
Where is my self-deceipt?
Where is my ignorance, praytell?
Sometimes, it's hard.
Sometimes, it's not.
I could live like this forever.
Or I could change.
Who would I change for?
What would I change for?
What will it take to bring me back?
I can't remember the last time I shared my joys of the world with someone.
I can't remember the last time I even wanted to.
Is that what it would take for me to be happy?
I doubt it.
A buddy of mine said that my reclusiveness would drive me insane.
...I'm beginning to think he was right.
But what else should I do?
I'm happy with my disillusionment.
I'm happy with my self-deceipt.
I'm happy with my ignorance.
But I'm not.
I'm alone?
I'm afraid?
...What is it?
What drives me to these feelings?
What drives me to these thoughts?
What drives me..?
...What is it?
I'll go on.
I'll go on.
I'll go on.
I'll be there.
Don't you ever fucking worry about that.
-The Insightful 37
This Chick
Personality is not an option.
You are all slaves of some higher influence,
either from friends, family or media.
You are not an individual. You are a drone,
subject to a society where uniqueness and
expressionalism are looked down upon.
You are the outcast from this same society
for choosing to dress a certain way; to
wear make-up; for hanging out with the
less-than-general crowd; for shopping at a
certain place; for listening to a certain genre
of music or artist; shunned for what you seem to
represent in lieu of who you really are,
And somehow, it is still you who is to blame.
I believe the world judges too much.
If the world is your judge, then we are your jury.
I am 22. I listen to metal. I dress all in black.
I wear a trenchcoat. I wear spikes.
They call me Sic.
I am something you're not.
What are you?
Who are you?
It may be very easy to confuse Sic with other, more common people, but I have here an easy to use guide to be able to pinpoint Him from the everyday drones of Society.
†Sic is the guy who tells the cripple ahead of him in line to hurry up.
†Sic is the first to get to the window to see the car accident outsyde.
†Sic was the one who wrote your number on the mall's bathroom wall.
†Sic was the failing student who made passes at his young, attractive English teacher.
†Sic is the one who gave up his old, jizz-soacked clothes to Good Will.
†Sic is the one who first introduced you to Goatse.
†Sic is the dream you'll try to forget for days.
†Sic your friend who's secure in his sexuality and will say anything.
†Sic is the guy without ED but still lykes taking Viagra.
†Sic is your friend who will tag along with you on your first date and make a bunch of remarks that'll have the decent girl you've been trying to fuck walk out on your dumbass then laugh and take you out to get drunk before you wake up in your house with several hookers that he's conveniently called for you.
†Sic is your friend who keeps trying to get you to engage in acts of mutual masturbation.
†Sic is the one who called a Suicyde Hotlyne to hitt on the advysor.
†Sic is the one who left the used condom outsyde the classrom.
†Sic is the voice in your head that says, "It's okay, it doesn't matter if she's drunk."
†Sic is your friend who's constantly talking about your mom's tits.
†Sic is the only one who really understands what the fuck it is you're saying.
†Sic is someone who would pay a hooker to eat his ass.
†Sic is the uncle who has touched you several tymes.
†Sic is still recovering from the failed attempt at something he saw on TV.
†Sic is Awesome.
Happy Hunting.
That's Sic for ya'. This Fucker Got Haktttt!!! best profile tools
blahblahblah thingie . ..
I love to read.
"The spoken word gives us solace and comfort, but the written word provides an escape for the imagination from the iron shackles of reality's firm and constant grip."