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About Me

I have been Very Blessed with a God giving Gift and Uniquely Creative Talent for Screenplay Writng and Poetry also. My Greatest Passion, Dream and Goal is to Win or be Nominated for An Academy Award for Best Picture! I Undoubtedly have the Awesome Determination, Incentive and Desire to Acheive these Goals! And Why Not? I really love that Expression Why Not? It has probably been the most favorite of mine since I was a kid.... Yes it is True that A Oscar by all means is not easily Earned! However giving the Fact that I Strongly Believe in my Heart that when you are Blessed with an Extraordinary, God Giving Talent in Phlosophical Respects. And along with that if you are Very Willing and Determined to Work Hard with the added Requirements of Intense Dedication, Discipline and Desire which Great Success always and Surely Demands for that matter! The Desire to also Fulfill your Wisdom and Creativity in bringing it to enourmous legnths with the Pain, Sweat and Tears of your Efforts which gives you the Desire and added Inspiration to continue Writing Script after Script! That Sheer Willingness and Great Burning Desire from within you to get those Scripts out there to be Discovered and Read! With all that said, I Surely Believe that there is a Greater then Average Chance of finding and receiving the Breaks and Opportunities which will ultimately lead you to a Greater chance of Winning A Oscar for a Great and Extraordinary Movie Script!.... I have a Sincere Desire for my Work to be Discovered and not go Undiscovered!.... To Further Inspire And Instill Profound Intrigue, Passion And Fascinating Interest in The Hearts And Minds of Notable Film Producers And Directors!... The Awesome And Overwhelming Desire and Visionary Goal to Enchant Audiences with my Films Delivered from A Extraordinary Labor Of Love!... To bring Humor to them as well as Emotions of Happiness in Bringing Smiles to their faces... And also to bring Tears Of Emotion to their eyes also... This Ultimately makes a Movie Phenomenal in its over all Presentation!... In The Reality of Success, I Should and Would much rather be One who is Saddened. Yet also alone realize that I am able to make People Happy!... By Utilizing my Writing Gifts for their Sole Entertainment And Enjoyment! It all Begins when you make your Mind up that you are going to be A Academy Award Winning Writer and never stop Believing in yourself also! I write to Move and Inspire Audiences with every Profound Emotion. A Beautiful Movie that surely will Captivate the Hearts and Minds of Audiences is the Primary Goal. I also Write to allow people to be Happy about spending their Hard Earned Dollars to watch a Phenomenal Movie which I have Written..... People Love Positive Thinking! And in a Determined sense the Attitude should be that failure is not an option what so ever!..... Life Indeed can be a Brutal and Tough Uphill Battle and Struggle for many as far as Obtaining Great Success! Whoever has the Guts and Desire along with the Tough Willingness to Succeed. Then they will surely not fail!....The biggest mistake you can make is when you Choose to Listen to the negative criticism from others!.... And the Greatest Reward is only Listening to others who Believe in you and Instill that Confidence and Desire in yourself also!.... As for much of my Writing, I Surely have Sincere And Profound Emotion's And Great Passion which I Deliver and Display throughout a Script. The Phenomenal Virtues of Love and Compassion are always the Two Most Finest And Most Powerful Emotional Ingredients that are involved with the Success of most Great Films.....Again I Believe when you realize the Gifts and Blessings that God has Blessed you with, such as Philosophical And Creative Talents for Writing. Then you Certainly should Utilize these Blessings to your fullest Potential also! I have always been Blessed with a Beautiful Voice as well... Along with that I have also always had a Unique Gift for Mimicing people perfectly for as long as I can remember..... Great Emotions can be heard in Music also. Great Emotions that have a Sincere and Profound way to Enlighten and also Move the Heart and Soul. Songs with Awesome Compassion and Feelings such as The Long And Winding Road by The Beatles, Angie by The Rolling Stones, On The Wings Of Love by Jeffrey Osbourne, Sometimes When We Touch by Dan Hill, Nights In White Satin by The Moody Blues and I Started A Joke by The Bee Gees, Just to name a few.... Let me use some Inspiring Insight as far as Music goes....Just Imagine if The Beatles and The Rolling Stones never bothered to Showcase their Remarkable Musical Talents?.... I should only suppose that the world would have never been giving the Chance or the Opportunity to Enjoy all of their Wonderful and Remarkable Music then.... This is how I Know and Realize by taking hold of the many Extraordinary Ideas and Gathering Perspective along with the Wisdom that Continously Flood's my Mind and spark's my Creative Imagination!... I draw very close and particular attention to Instilling those Deep Emotions which draw Audience Appeal! Great and Powerful Emotions such as Love, Compassion, Happiness, Sorrow, Drama and Adventure are the Leading Attributes that are the Crucial and Solid Foundation's for a Great Movie Script I Believe!...The Screenplay is Essentially a Blueprint for a Major Motion Picture itself in many Respects.....I personally feel that most Talented and Gifted Writers have themselves Endured Difficult Hardships throughout their own lives, such as being Lonely or Misunderstood for that matter also..... Ralph Waldo Emerson put it Beautifully when he was Quoted as saying "With Every Great Mind There Is A Misunderstood Person." This Alone is what I Believe makes them The Great And Extraordinary Writers They Surely Are!.... Because A Dream is merely a Dream if a person should only decide to just Dream!.... Dreams Are Not Impossible!... Once again the Quest I have for Ultimate Perfection in this Choosen Field of Writing, is the Great Desire and Passion to make Audiences Happy, Enthused and Intrigued about seeing a Extraordinary and Phenomenal Motion Picture I have Written! To Realize that Wonderful Film Creations which I have Painstakenly Written with the Intense Labor of Love involved at the same time in doing so of course.... The Vision of seeing my Production Unfold and take Shape upon the Big Silver Screen as it Radiates the Deepest of Heartfelt Emotions and Extraordinary Entertainment Value towards every person watching! The Savoring Absorbtion of every Detail..... My Personal Thoughts for Great Success are First and Formost being Grateful to God for the Gifts and Talents He has Blessed you with. And to Always Believe in yourself also! As long as you have Great Faith and Persistence, Drive and Motivation along with Pure Incentive. YOU WILL SURELY SUCCEED! Keep Focused And Always Think Positive!..FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION!... This Is A Absolute Must At All Times With No Exceptions!.... These Are Also Sound Virtues To Always Bare In Mind. Especially for my Calling In The Film Industry. These Are Truths I Will Always Cherish And Value. And Strongly Believe In Also!...... The Song Going Home by Chris Daughtry,is Surely a very Enlighting And Meaningful Tune. It's Lyrical Content is Beautifully written along with its very Moving And Compassionate Music which Compliments the Tune from Beginning To End and it is Surely a very Cool song!..... It reminds people that they should take more time to be Compassionate with the Feelings and Needs of others without the Typical hurried fashion such as the " Nice Meeting You!" Routine....... And as I have mentioned from my own Feelings And Beliefs,I Strongly Believe there is a Great And Profound difference with someone who is simply nice compared to someone who has a Beautiful And Compassionate Heart along with a Caring And Sensitive Soul....... There are unfortunately some if not many people however who will choose to be critical of your Dreams and Ambitions due to their own personal Insecurities. Don't Listen To Their Negativity! And just except the fact that people can be very Cruel and Selfish with their Insensitive Attitudes.... Between working a regular Job, the daily grind of life can be very demanding! Therefore I make it a point to try and Multitask by Writing two Scripts at a time if Time permits. I feel the quicker a Screenplay is Written and Completed and out there following the Copyright. Then the more likely it will be in the hands of Perspective Film Clients who will read them and agree to purchase them also at the Bargaining Table..... I recently watched The 80Th Academy Awards.... And I was very Moved with Emotion towards the Inspiring segment of previous Oscar Winning Movies throughout the years. The Beautiful and Moving Theme from the Film Dragon Heart being heard during the entire Presentation was Absolutely Beautiful.... High Honors! Please check out the video.... Life has not been a Bowl Of Cherries for myself. Growing up I was subjected to tauntings and mocked by other kids who disregarded me. And also being very Misunderstood by others while I grew older. In Retrospect I believe Past and Present Difficulties have made me a Stronger Person.... What Beautiful and Gracious Good Souls my Parents are! They have always Inspired me to Follow My Dreams and Hopes. Again, Dreams Are Always Possible If You Wish And Work Hard For Them To Come True!.... I have a Sincere Desire also to prove others Wrong who didn't Believe in me as a person. Proving others Wrong in the Good and Logical sense who Unfairly thought Wrongly towards me to begin with!.... That's why I have always Admired Slyvester Stallone, since he was Misunderstood a lot growing up also I have read. I have never really much cared for selfish, superficial and prideful people with condescending attitudes for that matter.... The Heartless way which they will try and make others believe that they are worthless compared to them. Nobody Is Better Then Anyone!...I Am No Better Then The Poorest Soul On Earth! And The Most Fortunate Person On Earth Is No Better Then I Am Also!.... People who behave arrogantly should realize they are so Wrong for being that way.... I have always been known to be for The Underdogs Of Life. Standing up for for the Misunderstood and Unfortunate Souls and being able to relate to them. Those who are Unfairly Overlooked and Disregarded for that matter. Ones who have been giving a raw deal in life sort of speak, and left on the outside looking in.... I should like to be The Voice Of The Poor And Downtrodden, The Homeless, The Lonely and Friendless Ones. Vietnam War Veterans, Lonely and Compassionate Women and the never ending Battle against Social Injustice through my work if you may.... The Unsung Heros such as Tough Blue Collared Workers and Working Poor Souls. Gallant And Thick Neck Losers who are Fighting the Good Fight for The Respect and Decency they Deserve and long for in the Good Sense Of The Word.... Strong and Silent Souls who Prove themselves to be of Extraordinary And Great Character.... I Believe God Honors The Humble and Meek With Great Wisdom and Character who are otherwise Disregarded by others. Good Souls who are mistaken for Fools and are Blessed with Profound Wisdom to Move Mountains and Acheive Wonderful things far beyond Their Wildest Dreams!.... And to make Fools of Doubters who are Prideful by having no Humility themselves.... Taking The Bitter Grapes Of Wrath and making them lose their Sour taste to become Sweet Once Again.... The Great Desire and Passion from Within to Inspire and bring Hope to those who feel Hopeless. To bring Happiness to those who are Sad and Brokenhearted... To fill the Hearts and Souls of those with God's Great Love, Peace and Joy, where Love has otherwise Abandoned them..... Be That As It May, to Ultmately Realize God's Awesome And Devine Purpose of His Great and Endless Love And Compassion Towards All The World..... I began Working Out Heavy with Weight Training during the Summer of 1976 at 14 years of age. God has always Blessed me with a great deal of Natural Physical Stregnth and Endurance where I can Run Forever. I Vividly remember my Elementary School Principal informing my Parents that in all her years of Teaching. She never saw any other kid like myself. "He is quite Different And Unique in many Respects she said" I don't know if that would have Hurt or Greeted my feelings then to be Honest.... I always recall how very disappointed one of my High School Teachers was who was a Cross Country Coach also, because I choose to play Football instead of Running Cross Country for him. Being that there was a great deal of peer pressure in the Town I grew up in up North. I was very Popular despite being scorned by many. And there wasn't a soul who didn't know who I was either or had at least heard of me.... Hollywood is Surely a Major Goal! The Genuine and Remarkable Nostalgic Nature combined with everyday life are the Foundations from which Ideas are Born. The Essential Tools of Imagination and Passion for Writing Great Movie Scripts! In a Prfound Sense, Nostalgia, Emotions and Drama combined with the Conflicts of Sorrow and Happiness, again account for Extraordinary Writing which can be Astonishing and Unique Storylines which Bewilder, Intrigue and Delight Motion Picture Audiences Everywhere!....... The Natural is another Extraordinary Movie of Hollywood's Unending ,Great Devotion And Compassion Towards The Underdogs Of Life.... The 1982 Film focuses on Robert Redford's character Roy Hobb's as an aging Baseball Player being widely doubted and overlooked despite his Tremendous And Talented Attributes as a Major League Player. The unpleasant and meanspirited, arrogant attitudes from many of his faithless and heartless critics are brought to light throughout the entire movie itself. Glenn Close's portrayal of a Spirtual And Mysterious Woman with Great Depths of Compassion, Coolness And Goodness is a Defining And Inspirational moment for Redford's Character Hobb's who discovers her in the Grand Stands observing him play while a light from Heaven seems to Illuminate her Angelic And Encouraging Presence. Hobb's is filled with a Strong Sense Of Great Faith And Confidence In Himself as he steps up to the plate. At the same time we hear the often cruel and heartless mockery from his faithless and unbelieving skeptics and fans. However the tables are turned when these faithless and meanspirited souls soon realize that they are indeed the real fools of whom Hobb's earns their Ultimate Respect by driving the ball clear across the field as it soars ever so Gracefully into the sky before smashing into the unlucky number 6 upon the huge clock outside the ball park. The shattered debri from the clock plummeting with a slow motion effect to further Enlighten the scene....... A Great rush of Excitement And Enthusiasm is felt in the Hearts And Souls of Everyone watching! Where it is seen yet again in even Greater Momentum and Excitement during an Evening game. Following a bolt of Lightning in the sky above where Hobb's Encounters some misfortune upon hitting a foul ball and finding that the Trusty And Lucky bat he has had since his early youth has Mysterious Power's he named Wonder Boy of which he constructed himself from a tree that was struck and split by a Lightning Bolt. The kid who is a batboy runs and brings Hobb's another bat called Savoy Special, while the roaring and Exuberant crowd are chanting ROY!... With out any further embarrasing strikes and strike outs along with much Added And Needed Good Luck, Hobb's then Fortunately enough knocks a Grand Slam clear out of the Ball Park. Again to everyones Awe, the ball relentlessly smashes into one of the the giant scoreboard floodlights. And as a result this causes every other floodlight to malfunction erraticly by producing a domino effect and spectacular fire works like array Of Unending showering sparks and electrical flashes which are observed from some of the arrogant and mean spirited critics who's once haughty faces are now downcast with shame and remorse towards their meanspirited and arrogant ways as they look on from the windows within the press box. Close's Angelic Character is illuminated yet once again also while she Happily And Passionately observes this Great event..... Be that as it may this Movie gives clear Emphasis And Meaning of it's Kind Respect And Inspiration with Regards to the Underdog....... Life isn't always about proving people wrong who have choosen to be arrogant and meanspirited towards you. Rather it is about Inspiring them with your own Good Blessings to be more Thoughtful, Sensitive And Compassionate towards everyone. ROY HOBB'S DEFYING THE ODD'S AND PROVING THE MISUNDERSTANDING CRITICS AND SKEPTICS WRONG!

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would Greatly Wish To Meet Denzel Washington! I Admire him Greatly also because of his Very Down To Earth and Genuine Nature! He has always been and remains my Favorite Actor... Denzel is also a Very Spirtual, Compassionate and Humble Person... His Great Passion for Life and his Work are Truly Remarkable... His Genuine Spirit is revealed in the Soft Spoken Man Of God that he surely is ... Hollywood is Most Fortunate for this Blessed and Talented Actor to bring out the Best in all of his Great Films...Denzel I Love You My Brother! And I look forward to meeting you one day... You have always Moved and Inspired me with The Great Passion you Display in all of your Wonderful Performances... It would surely be a Great and Sincere Honor and Privilege for you to Star in a Screenplay Movie I have Written! May God continue to Bless You!.... Forrest Whitaker is yet Another Great Actor with a Big Heart! Along with also Being a Very Genuine, Humble Spirited and Down To Earth Gentleman as well! I hope to meet him someday also!... Slyvester Stallone has The Heart of a Lion!.. Sly has always took up for the Underdog in many of his Films. I remember seeing The Movie ROCKY for the first time when I was a kid...The Main Genre of this Great and Remarkable Film was that Practically everyone thought Rocky was a loser. Along with this, nobody took him too seriously despite the fact that he had great Potential in Boxing... Rocky however wasn't playing any Games Either! He meant Serious Business! And he Worked very Hard to Prove Wrong every skeptic who doubted him! And Surely he Did Just That..... I also always admired Stallone's work in The Rambo Films.I saw the Previews for Rambo II when it was just arriving in the Theatres towards the Summer of 1985. I remember this giant orange sun coming into view and then the next moment seeing Stallone Shouting angrily from a helicopter along with the rest of the Film Trailer! I said to myself this Movie is surely going to be a Box Office Ticket! And Right I Was! What Great times those days were! The Chicago Bears Were Super Bowl Champions, which I was very Happy about!....... I vividly remember being over at my Best Childhood Friend Joe's house during the Summer of 1978...Were also both Italian by the way. I am often asked if I am Greek or Spanish though... Anyway Rocky II was in the Production works at the time... Joe's older Brother Tony who himself has always been a Huge ROCKY Fan, would enjoy listening to Chuck Mangione's version of The ROCKY Theme....Tony himself was also a Great Trumpet Player in High School for that matter..... Be that as it may, Magione Beautifully Performed the Theme from ROCKY on Trumpet... I vividly Remember those humid afternoons being in that small house many times during that Summer while I was Preparing for the Upcoming Football Season in High School. I would eagerly ask Tony about the movie ROCKY... Tony would reply... " Well Kerr. Rocky was a nobody... Everyone thought he was a Dreamer and a Loser... Yet Rocky went on to Prove Everybody Wrong In The End!".... Joe would then respond in that Humble voice of his then. "See That Kerr"!.... I would curiously ask. "Why did People treat Rocky like that for anyway?"... Joe would Boldly go on to respond and say "Because they thought he was a Nothing And A Nobody! And he Showed And Proved To Everyone that he was a Somebody and a Winner Kerr"!.. Slyvester Stallone also gave Great and Memorable Performances in other Movies like The Lords Of Flatbush, Paradise Alley and First Blood to name a few..... Sly has always had Awesome Determination. And I had the Pleasure of meeting and shaking hands with him once at The Hard Rock Cafe here in Florida... I Truly hope to meet him again one day..... As for Music I Wish to Meet Paul McCartney and Mick Jagger who both are Truly Great and Phenominal Musicians! They brought Great Entertainment with their Uniquely Talented Musical Abilities.... The Rolling Stones are a Great Stage Performing Band and have always been for that matter! And they also bring back alot of Great Memories from a time when life was far less complicated and stressful..... Great Movie Producer and Director Martin Scorsesse did a Wonderful and Beautiful Job with his new Film that just came out about The Rolling Stones called "Shine A Light"..... I once saw The Rolling Stones in Concert in Orlando during their Bridges To Babylon Tour back in December of 1997... Fortunately I had a great seat near the front of a smaller Stage which they performed on during the second part of the concert....It was a Chilly and Brisk Evening I Remember. At the beginning of the second half of the Show, the lights in the Stadium grew dim while a strange buzzing sound began to grow increasingly louder. Along with that this very Cool And Huge Mechanical Bridge began to slowly unfold above. It had all of these very Cool looking dazzling array of lights upon it. When the Bridge finally connected to the smaller Stage which The Rolling Stones had made their way across to during the darkness. The lights in the Stadium then came up as The Stones were Performing some Great Rock N Roll!... I was well prepared having made this Huge Poster before hand which depicted in Bold Words ANGIE, SATISFACTION, 1965!...I Remember seeing Mick Jagger looking right over towards the Poster and was Quite Impressed also! I watched as he was encouraging and pointing for everyone to look over at my Poster while he was running all about the Stage Performing..... I Always Vividly Remember hearing those two songs ANGIE And SATISFACTION in order. One imediately following the other while I was listening to a Rolling Stones Rock Block on the radio one Evening while growing up in New York... I recall the DJ Announcing and saying. "Up Next We Have A Rock Block Of The Rolling Stones"... I could feel the Excitement Building because I Have Always Loved The Rolling Stones!.... I only suppose that Memory also Inspired me to Create the Poster... The Beatles, Paul McCartney and Wings, Mick Jagger and The Rolling Stones are Great And Extraordinary Musicians who brought Great Entertainment with their Very Special and Gifted Musical Abilities..... So many Great Tunes from The Beatles like In My Life, Eleanor Rigby, Hey Jude, Let It Be, Get Back, Got To Get You Into My Life, and Good Day Sunshine to name a few of the Great ones! Satisfaction, Jumping Jack Flash and Angie are Just a few of the many Great Songs from The Rolling Stones!... And finally Paul McCartney And Wings with Great Songs such as My Love, Live And Let Die, Juniors Farm, Jet and Just Another Day. To name just a few of the Great ones! So Many Great Memories To Love!...... I Remember One Afternoon during the Spring of 1986 when I was in my early Twenties while residing in my Home Town I grew up in on Long Island New York, before moving to Florida that July. I was on my way home from the Gym following Working Out. I always used to take a shortcut through this Park which had a Baseball Field there also. There was a Game taking place, so I decided to relax and watch for awhile... I was standing there talking to a Gentleman who was watching his kid playing Baseball. We were discussing stories from related News and Reading about the harsh treatment and poor regards being shown towards Vietnam War Veterans upon returning home to the States... This Gentleman told me he Served for a Tour in Vietnam from 1969-1970... He recollected his own personal memeories of how difficult it was for him readjusting to ordinary civilian life when he returned to the States as well. He talked about many friends he unfortunately lost in the war. Tears began to fill his eyes while his voice grew Emotional. I continued to listen to him Compassionately and quietly. He explained about all the protests occurring back then at the Airports. All these young College kids and Hippies yelling heartless and insensitive insults towards him and his fellow Soldiers who were escorted by Military Police. This was a very common occurence that went on back then, he went on to explain. Mentioning to me that even young and very attractive, feminine women were quite literally spitting (Gross) and protesting along with the unruly crowd.... I was quite disgusted by what I was hearing and surprised about just how cruel and selfish people can be! Considering I wasn't well informed back then when all this was taking place since I was just a very young kid... I only saw and heard of all the Peace and Love Generation Agendas in relation to the laid back Hippie Culture during that particular time... I felt really bad for this Gentleman and I proceeded to Hug him Reassuringly.... Afterwards we discussed and talked about current events in and around the world then..... Later on over Dinner that Evening I explained to my Father who himself was a former Marine on the Island of Saipan towards the end of World War II. I told him about the Conversation I had earlier that Afternoon with this Gentleman who served over in Vietnam.... "Were People really that Harsh , Thoughtless and Uncaring towards many Vietnam War Veterans, Dad?" I went on to ask my Father curiously... My Father's Response to my Question was Immediate and to the Point with Firmness in his voice also! "Oh yes, Absolutely Kerry!... Let me tell you something! I was the first and only Elementary School Principal at the time in my District to give Vietnam Veterans A Teaching Job!... Alot of Civilians across the Country were very cruel to many Vietnam Veterans! They displayed very Poor and Unfair Treatment towards them as well!.... Many Vietnam Veterans Were Treated Very Cruelly In The Way's They Were Protested And Disregarded By Their Fellow Americans.....Absolutely Wrong They Were In Treating those poor Vietnam Veterans That Way!"..... And sadly enough many of them weren't giving Jobs or Opportunities either!.. Most Importantly, Vietnam Veterans didn't receive the Honorable Love and Common Respect and Regards which they Truly Deserved, Kerry!".......My Father Compassionately and Quietly went on to say..... "It Hurt's When Your Not Wanted And Your Disregarded Kerry"..... God Bless Our New President Barack Obama! I Campaigned Hard For His Victory! And I Am Grateful To Be A Part Of Great Change For This Nation. There Is Great Hope Because We Have A Great President Who Fights With Great Compassion And Understanding For Many In This Nation And Around The World Who Are Struggling And Less Fortunate! That This Nation Will Finally Come Together To Bring And Be A Part Of That Change! Remembering that conversation I had with the Gentleman who Served in Vietnam and my Father as well. One thing comes to mind. I Love, Honor and Greatly Respect all The Vietnam War Veterans! I have known many personally who were Born and Raised in my Home Town as well as Working with many also... I had a very Good friend of mine who infact served in Vietnam also and worked as a Bartender at a small place in Town. I Remember that him and his friends were always aware of the fact that I was Scrutinized Unfairly alot by many and that he would say to me "They Don't Understand You!"... I Remember walking home with him from a local Bar late one summer Evening in 1985 due to him having a few too many beers and that he also rented a home with other friends just a few blocks from where I lived. And it began to rain. As we continued walking he Spoke something to me I will never forget! I recall his voice becoming very Emotional when he said. "I don't know why People can be so Thoughtless and make fun of you!...Remember this though Kerry. I Love You And Understand You!.... We All Love You! Ya Hear Me?..... You were Destined to be Somebody who will reach out to Millions!...Millions!.... You Hearing Me? Because Your What Legends Are Made Of You Understand What I'm Saying?... Even though there are unfortunately many who are Ignorant and Selfish towards you!.... Because They Don't Understand You!...You Understand What I'm Saying To You?"..... "Yes I do Brother" was my response. He patted me Encouragingly upon the shoulder and his voice became more Emotional as we continued through the rain.... This Gentleman was Genuinely Compassionate And Respectful of my Feelings! And he and his other close friends alway's stood up for me and were Opposed to those who treated me Wrongly and Unfairly with their arrogance and insensitivity..... I Greatly Love,Respect, Honor And Support All Vietnam Veterans as should Everyone!.... They are Very Honorable,Genuine and Compassionate People who Served America Bravely! God Bless All The Vietnam Veterans!There is Great Power and Emotion in bringing Happiness to the Brokenhearted and the Poor... I should love to buy Groceries for Poor Families in need. Because seeing the smiles on other Peoples faces is a Much Greater Emotional Feeling then all the Materialistic gifts you can think of. Giving Honor And Glory to God by helping those in need is enabling you to build Treasures for yourself in Heaven... I avoid People who call me a Dreamer. Because God will Prosper and Bless me knowing that I will Bless others less fortunate.. I am not one to overlook the burdens of the poor... You always hear in the News of Many Hard Working Middle Class People who are fighting and suffering to stay ahead of the game...I know what Financial Suffering is First Hand!.. One of the cruelest things in life is to be lonely and poor and overlooked and disregarded when you have Great and Meaningful Talent to offer especially... It is an Uphill Battle in the Great and Never Ending Struggle for Financial Freedom since life is very hard for many people these days! God Bless them because God is comforting them and their Weary Burdens... Take a deep breath and focus at one thing at a time with Love. Compassion. And Respect for everyone always... My Advice to Acheiving Goals and Dreams is to Imagine you have already made it with Good Confidence. Because People like to hear about Ambition, Desire and Positive Thinking. People really don't like to hear negative thinking. Believe in Yourself and your Dreams. And others will Believe in you and your Dreams also. Respect Yourself and have Confidence in Yourself. And others will Respect You and have Great Confidence in You also! The Beautiful And Profound Song performed by Don Mclean entitled Starry Night, is also probably one of the most Beautiful And Compassionate Songs there is! The song itself clearly details the Extraordinary yet Painful Life of the Famous Artist Vincent Van Gogh. The Passionate Lyrical content "Ragged Men In Ragged Clothes, And How You Tried To Set Them Free", refer's to VanGogh's Great Spirtual Love And Compassion for the socially outcast in his Humanatarian Activities. It is also reflected in the more then 2000 works of many of his Extraordinary And Profound Paintings. It has been said that that VanGogh's family and some associates may have been critical of his Coolness And Kindness towards the Wretched And Poor who were Unfortunate. Be That As It May, VanGogh was and is an Artistic Genuis! His Painting Starry Night is probably his most Popular And Profound, which would later be told in Mclean's legendary song which was written in 1972. Once again and further more when Mclean Genuinely And Passionately sings "I Could Of Told You Vincent, That This World Was Never Meant For Anyone As Beautiful As You"... With all said, I would guess it wouldn't be any surprise that this Great And Passionate Tune will bring Tears to anyone's eyes for that matter alone. And Why Not? God has His Will for many to be Different in the sense of being Gifted yet Unusual for others in such a way as a means of Inspiring people for the benefits of making the world a better place through Entertainment and Wisdom which is the Beauty of all the Creative Desire of being Blessed in a Phlisophical manner along with many other Blessings . To let others realize they are Blessed also..... To fill the Hearts and Minds of Audiences with Splendid Joy, Emotion and Inspiration which is moved with Great Compassion, Drama and Humor..... To give people that Unique and Powerful Vision that they are surely Loved and Worthy from the Poorest to the Richest..... Life is not merely about how old or young a person is. Yet rather it is about Character and Emotion in how that person can reach out to those who are hurting like most everybody from time to time, to Instill Enrichment and Purpose....To erase from their minds the Cruel and Harsh, Insensitive words from others which cause hardship from those who are selfish and choose to have a wicked and arrogant heart instead.... Despite unfortunate hatred. Love always remind's those who are Lonely that they are not Alone.....Love reminds those who feel hopeless that their is Great Hope indeed! God in His Great and Merciful Love shall never abandon them.... Love is the Greatest and most Powerful Emotion there is. Love is not Haughty and Prideful.. It shows no Favortism. Yet entirely within itself it favors everyone. And doesen't exclude anyone..... Compassion is its soul mate for Eternity..... They both are Common Characteristic's which are Abundant for the Heart and Washes the Windows of the Soul with its Tears. Written By Kerry The Extraordinary Vietnam Movie Hamburger Hill is a very Moving and Remarkable one! It describes the story of the 10 Day Battle for Hill 937, during May of 1969. The Brave and Extraordinary American Infantrymen of Bravo Company are Fiercely engaged in a Vicious Battle of Great Valor, Bloodshed and Sacrifice in the Struggle for this Hill named Hamburger Hill due to the Horrific Bloodshed and Costliness of the Battle itself which claimed 70% Casualties!...The Fierce and Awesome Uphill Battle of Brave and Weary Soldiers who fought for their Country, Eachother and their own lives also. This Great Film is Unrelenting in Sheer War Action and Great Emotion as well. Seeing and Realizing the Great Suffering and Desperation of these Brave Infantrymen who Served America Bravely and Willingly!... Aside from this Great Film and with all due Respect I have Gathered my own Prespective and Feelings of which I will explain here..... All too often I Believe many Vietnam Veterans have been Unfairly Treated and shown Great Disregard by their own Country. I personally have seen and spoken with many of them who all feel the same way as I just mentioned.... Giving the Obvious Fact that I have alway's been a Devoted Advocate for War Veterans, The Poor,The Homeless and Downtrodden along with also being for those who are Unfairly Disregarded....It is also my Belief that I Believe Government Does and Should have the Moral Obligation and Responsibility to help those in Need who are having a difficult time... I think Everyone should realize that there are those in this Soceity who are either Born with Great Advantages and throughout their life have been giving Chances and Opportunities or through their own Hard Work and Efforts have been Fortunate enough to have Comfortable Success... On the other hand for one reason or another there are those who for many reasons such as lack of Chance and Opportunities or Poverty have not been throughly able to Readily Obtain Success for them selves..... Be That As It May, I Believe that Anyone who has Sheer Incentive and Dedication to Succeed along with their Gifts and Talents through Hard Work and Devotion.... Should Infact be giving the Chances and Opportunities to Succeed and not be Selfishly Ignored and Disregarded by others who are able to help them Realize and Fullfill their Personal Dreams and Ambitions for the Good of All and Themselves! This Scene at Gettysburg from the Movie Remember The Titans is probably one of the Greatest and most Moving Scenes in any true life Motion Picture Film. The Music is Beautiful! Denzel Washington gave a very Extraordinary performance in this particular scene along with the entire Movie itself. He also received an Academy Award for this Movie. Probably one of the Greatest True Life Films ever made! The True Life made for Television Movie Ruffian, was both very Entertaining and Emotional to watch. Ruffian is widely considered to be the Greatest Throughbred Filly who ever lived!.... She will never be forgotten. Please read my own Personal accounts of Ruffian in the Comments area, when I was a kid in New York at the time this occurred.

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