Dear Potential Employer, My current job as safety inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Pwer Plant affords me lots of time to pursue other occupations. Here is a list of jobs I have heeld in the not too distant past. Most, if not all, ended neatly with no lasting consiquinces. Sincerely, Homer J. Simpson-Activist -Actor -Agent -Ambulance Driver -Amateur-Division Professional Arm Wrestler -Astronaut -Attack-dog trainer -Baby Proofer -Bartender -Bear Hunter -Blackjack dealer -Bodyguard -Bootlegger -Bowling alley employee -Boxer -Broadway Actor -Butler -Candle maker -Car designer -Caretaker -Carny -Celebrity Assistant -CEO of nuclear power plant -Chauffeur -Chief of Police -Child Caretaker -Choreographer -Chiropractor -Clown -Coach -Con artist/Grifter -Conceptual artist -Consultant -Convenience store night-clerk -Curator -Dancer -Daycare center owner -Detective -Dishwasher -Drug Smuggler -Door-to-door knife salesman -Door-to-door suger salesman -Door-to-door spring salesman -Employee -Entreupruneural -Executive -Executive vice precident -Farmer -Film critic -Film producer -Fish gutter -Fisherman -Food critic -Fortune cookie writer -Garbage commisioner -Gravedigger -Grease salesman -Grifter -Guard -Hippie -Homophobe -Horse trainer -Ice cream truck driver -Impotency spokesman -Informant -Infomercial question asker -Internet service provider -Inventot -Kidnapper -Krusty impersonator -Limo driver -Mall santa clause -Manager -Marraige counselor -Mascot -Mayor -Mayoral candidate -Mexican wrestler -Mini-golf assistant -Missionary -Mob Boss -Monorail conductor -Mountain climber -Muscle for hire -Musician -Manure -Night school teacher -Nuclear power plant mannager -Oil-rig worker -One Man Band -Ordained Minister -Outsider Artist -Owner -Panhandler -Paparazzi -Peewee football coach -Performance artist -Personal assistant -Pig Judge -Pilot -Plus-size butt model -Pop artist -Prank monkey -Pretzel Inspector -Priest -Prison snitch -Public speaker -Roadie -Roadside corn salesman -Railroad engineer -Rastaman -Robot imposter -Rollercoaster rebuilder -Safety inspector -Safety protester -Safety salamander -Sailor -Salesman -Sanitation commissioner -Security officer -Smithers -Smuggler -Snitch -Snowplow proprietor and driver -Soldier -Sotftball player -Songwriter -Street musician -Superhero -Spokesperson/Walking billboard -Sprawl-Mart greeter -Talk show host -Teacher -Telemarketer -Tomacco Creator/Farmer/Salesman -Town Crier -Traveling salesman -Trucker -Train driver -Union leader -Used car salesman -Village oaf -Voice actor -Web master -Wrestler -Writer